Do you drink enough water in winter? Most people don't and as a result their skin feels dry and looks older. The best way to moisturize your skin us from inside out.. Cokes and Pepsi and sodas don't count .. the sugar in them only does damage to your skin. Drink up as much water as you can and look beautiful. If you need a variation.. drink green tea.. I also find splashing water on your face before you moisturize your skin helps. Do you have any suggestions.
I haven't been drinking enough water lately, and I am paying the price in constipation. Its really hard to get all that water in when it is freezing outside. Besides plain water is just, well blah. I am going to have to increase my liquids somehow though, cuz being constipated isn't fun either.
I try to drink more herbal tea in the winter months. It is a good way to keep up with the required fluid intake and because it is hot, it is actually nice to drink it when it is really cold outside. We also eat a lot more soups in the winter months, which is another great way to get fluids.
Drinking water is a healthy habit to maintain throughout the year. In the colder seasons a bit difficult balanced liquid consumption, but we shouldn't change our consumption habits. Summer, on the other hand, invites us to higher consumption of water, because the body tends to dehydrate faster. Our skin is a very effective meter because if we feel dries that reflects the deficiency in water consumption. I try to consume 1.5lts or 2 liters of water (not counting the consumption of other liquids like soda or tea). What is important in this regard is to create the habit and keep it throughout the year.
I think a lot of us don't end up drinking enough because we don't feel hot like we do in the summer. When we feel hot, we tend to crave that water more. In the winter time, we don't, though, so we simply don't reach for a glass of water nearly as often. I try to make a conscious effort in the winter by filling a pitcher with water in the morning and working my way through it during the day. Then it's almost like a contest to see if I can finish it.
I don't think about drinking water until I'm exercising (which I now try to do every day). When I exercise is when I realize how dehydrated I've been.
I never drink enough water and as a result I am often at least partially dehydrated. It's even harder in the winter because I'm less thirsty when I'm not hot, and I just don't think about it that much. It's a bad habit that I need to change because not drinking enough water can lead to all kinds of problems in the body.
When I was working outside of the home, I would fill up a large 64 ounce mug with water and drink from it throughout the day. I knew I was well hydrated if the water was almost gone by the end of the workday. Now that I am home most days, I just drink to thirst and have not had any problems with proper hydration. Whenever I head out to run errands, I make sure to take some water with me and this helps as well.
I think this is a good tip. I know during the warmer months I am good re water consumption but it is now winter here where I am and I guess like a few others, I am guilty of neglecting the need for water. I am going to try to keep this in mind daily. I do work out, not daily although I usually hit three to four sessions a week. The water is part of those days for sure. Good reminder. Ryder13
Wow! I didn't realize that so many people drank less water.. than they should. I always have a kettle of water ready ... so I don't have to sip cold water on a cold day.. warm water keeps me feeling warm and fuzzy. I really don't mind drinking the water, but I do have a problem having to run so often to the toilet so often in winter. LOL The cold winter air dries up our skin more than we realize and our skin could do with more help... or that is how I think. This keeps my skin well hydrated and much better than when I am not drinking enough. Eating watery vegetables/ fruits like cucumbers, water melons, etc., could help.
I really need to measure out how much I'm drinking. I'm sure it is at least 8, but I should really double check. But I feel like I'm constantly drinking water and green tea. I also have a black coffee, but you actually drink an extra glass of water to compensate since the coffee is a diuretic.
I drink water all day long. In fact I tend to drive people nuts with it because I always have to have it ice cold so I'm constantly emptying out all the ice trays lol. I got spoiled at a previous job that had an ice machine, so now I want it over fresh ice all the time.
Actually, it's not the lack of water that does it, it's the weather itself. Most people get enough water from not only their beverages, but from the foods they eat. It's not true that you need 8 glasses of water a day, though it's a lot better than pretty much everything else you can put in your body so no harm (although there is such a thing as too much water as well)
I don't think you need to drink gallons of water. All that water does flush out toxins but it also flushes our some of the good stuff as well. I drink when I feel thirsty, probably about 4 cups per day. I used to drink over a gallon until I realise it wasn't necessary or healthy.
Although I don't drink an excessive amount of water, but I am still able to drink enough during the day because I keep reminders through my house to help me remember. I always try to put a few water bottles in the refrigerator and every few hours I try to drink them completely. Its been going alright so far and I hope I can improve on this habit soon.
It's so true that one of the best ways to moisturize our skin IS from the inside out by drinking more water and not always relying on external things like creams or face masks. Drinking water is a habit I've gotten into for the past ten years and truth be told it's really the only thing I drink. I can usually tell when I haven't gotten enough because I can get a bit crabby, which shows I'm a bit dehydrated.
In the winter, I really don't drink anything at all. I'm usually very hydrated during the winter, so I don't need to drink as much as I do in the summer. In the winter, I would usually drink hot tea only for breakfast. For the rest of the day, I would just pour myself water.
Yeah, a lot of people just don't like to drink water. It's probably an American thing. We need to have sugary everything, and of course, that's counterproductive.
I drink plenty of sodas and probably should drink more water than I do but my skin isn't dry at all than again I use lotion every other day I try to keep my skin moisturize at all times.