There are days every week when I do not spend anything on food items. We generally buy our grocery from wholesale market which lasts for the entire month or more and fruits and vegetables from farmers' market every week. So what we have to buy on other days is milk and bakery items. We do that mostly on every 2-3 days so there are few days we do not spend anything on food items.
I live in the USA and food is a lot more expensive here, my wife and I have a $400 a month food budget and in the United States that hardly buys anything if you don't know how to shop. But my wife is a super smart shopper and she buys food in bulk and we average $13 a day for 2 people which is really good considering where we live.
@Soulwatcher I know what you mean because I live in two different countries and both are poles apart as far prices are concerned. However the truth remains that my earning is also different in Australia from what I earn in India so it makes a little difference. I agree our monthly food budget is approximately $100 for two of us in India but $400-500 in Australia but I am paid almost 8 times by my company while posted in Australia.
Coming to drinks, I can't say that I have an actual amount of money which I spend on it on daily basis. Everything depends on the mood during the drinking period. It's still not a must that I take drinks on daily basis, I can go months without a single drop of alcohol or soft drinks as well.
It would probably work out at a couple of English pounds per day. I do my shopping every couple of weeks from the big supermarket and have it delivered. I normally get the dog food at the same time. It's easy to eat healthy for a small amount of money. Vegetables are cheap and you only need a fistful portion of meat or fish.
On the average, we spend around $6 to $8 per day on food and drinks. That's for three people, 3 cats, and a dog. I spend extra on food because meals are more expensive in the work place. On some days, specially weekends, we spend more because we usually dine out after church services. My son is in a fast growth phase and I want to optimize this period by supporting him with nutritious food and balanced diet. That doesn't have to cost extra though because we use a lot of recipes that combine meat, vegetables, and grains.
If you happen to check my profile or avatar, you would see it's I love drinks with my brand Heineken taking its position there. I enjoy cool chilled Heineken beer, in fact, it's the best beer in the world as far as I'm concerned. I don't drink too, at least 2 or 3 bottles whenever I hang out with friends is enough for me. So therefore, from $5-$10 is the maximum I could spend on drinks on daily basis.
I basically don't drink anything but water, so this saves me some money. I only spend an average of about $4 to $5 per day on food.
When it comes to this thing I may say that I always spend wisely. Even though i am earning good from my full time job i make it sure that all I will spend within a month are budgeted separately for foods, health, travelling and of course for our savings and emergency funds. And when it comes to foods we rarely eat on fast foods chains and restaurants. We just buy and cook healthy foods that are not expensive and within our budget.
I am not a person to keep a count on any single thing. Food is a necessary thing which will definitely cost. We should actually think about other things like an extra expense. Food is a basic need for everyone. Log In here from the website.