Hi! I have always wondered how much other families spend on groceries. I feel like I spend so much on groceries every month even though I really do try to cut back. I have two 6-foot tall teenage boys and a 12-year-old girl. I spend between $800 and $1000 every month just on food! I really look forward to everyone's answers because I have really wondered this for such a long time! Shannon
I spend about $150 on food a month. As for groceries, I don't really like desserts such as ice-cream or pudding and don't keep a lot of soft drinks on hand (mostly water). Rice is also a great filler, being both cheap and providing decent satiation. I'm also a university student, so I don't really need to buy a lot of groceries (I buy food most of the time). I guess you would be on the average side for an American family. Take a look at this pdf, it provides weeking grocery expenditure of families around the worldLog In
I'm glad you included ages and gender. It does make a difference. There are five of us. Me, my over 6' husband, a 6yo girl who eats a lot, a 4yo girl who eats like a bird, and a 10mo old boy who eats as much as his 6yo sister. Hah. I have streamlined the couponing kick to work for me with the least amount of work possible. For the record, I am NOT an extreme couponer. That said, I do use coupons, I do shop sales. We eat a lot of meat. We drink reg. milk and soy or almond milk. I primarily shop at two local grocery stores (not Walmart), CVS, and Walgreens. For all food, paper products, all toiletries, all otc. meds, 2 sunday papers, diapers, and beer and wine we are spending an average of $85 a week. What is that a month? Less than $400 a month.
I would say I spend around $400 per month for myself. Sometimes I can go way over that though if I am making dishes for parties, or hosting a get together. Or if I get on a recipe kick and want to try out some new recipes that call for all sorts of uncommon ingredients I don't normally buy. I usually start by stocking up on a variety of meats in my freezer, then I make sure I'm all stocked up on pantry items, so I can make stuff on the fly when my fridge is empty. Then periodically throughout the week I will hit up the grocery stores and buy a few fresh ingredients at a time. I used to try and buy a bunch of fresh ingredients all at once, and only go to the grocery store once a week, but too much of that was going bad on a regular basis before I could get around to using it. So now I just pick up a little at a time.
That's a good question. I've always wondered too what others spend on their grocery. I spend about $160 to $260 a month. That feeds two adults. But I don't buy much junk food, exotic fresh food, tv dinners, organic food and stuff. The weeks that I do, I easily spend $300 to $400. I'm trying to eat healthy and save money right now, so I buy lots of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. And I go for easily grown items because they tend to have cheaper price tags. I also look out for sales. Every season comes with their own sales. That's usually when I get my "not-everyday" fruits and veggies.
It depends on the numbers of people, which I spend probably about $250 per month on groceries. However, that excludes personal care items and household items. I think it is still too much because there's only three of us. I hardly eat out nowadays because I don't make as much money as I used to.
Probably between 150-200 bucks a month. There are only 2 people in my house, so it doesn't take a lot to feed both of us.
In my household, it is my husband, a teenage son, and myself. I spend $50 a week on all of our groceries. So, that would be $200 a month. I would like to spend $40 a week, but that isn't always possible.
For me and my family I spend about 400 a month sometimes if I am able to coupon and other things than I can usually save some money and spend about 300 a month ain't much but 100 bucks saved can go a long way.