How Many People Have to Participate in a 'Not Buy' before a Place Will Lower Its Prices?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • Jul 16, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    (A 'not buy'---my making up for my 'aphasia' (knowing there's a "right" word, forgetting what it is))

    As far as I know, no one's really counting (except maybe the manager, especially if they own the branch). The rest of them just go in, do their job & get their money---not even CARING how well one-or-another product does except as it is-or-isn't the next order-up.

    If you want the place to stop selling a certain item, quietly 'not buying' it yourself (while others buy it just as frequently as before) isn't going to have much effect. So you can either a) go ahead & 'not buy' and be self-assured that most people are smart & will 'not buy' with you, b) organize a community-wide 'not buy,' knowing that it'll make the manager stop selling that product as a matter of course, c) write a letter to the people in charge of which products get sold, explaning to them why you think the product is a bad idea or d) discuss it with the manager/owner if you know them personally.

    Do you think organizing the people would work better? or bringing it up to the owner/manager personally? And Why?

    ACSAPAWell-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    I think if a bunch of people just boycotted a product, the store would just think it wasn't a hot seller. They might stop selling it but they wouldn't get whatever point you were trying to make.
    A petition with a bunch of signatures would make your reasons and intent more clear than just not buying a product.