Whether it is at a garage sale, or on craigslist, I am constantly seeing slightly used exercise gadgets on sale. I cant imagine buying a piece of equipment at full price. When you buy equipment do you continue to use it or does it begin to collect dust shortly after you get it home. If you have stopped using a piece of equipment, why did you stop? Did it under perform, did you not enjoy it, or was it something else?
Most work out equipment comes with a "best if used within" date or number of uses (I know from the gym rotating old machines), but generally speaking, with casual home use, for equipment stored indoors, it seems like it would have to be a very old machine to have hit its max. I think you can tell when a treadmill either needs work or replacement. If the belt is squeaking or the incline breaks... same with stationary bikes. Problems with the resistance is the first sign something is on the fritz. But again, all of these are bigger issues with heavy usage, like in a gym. It seems like one person can't wear out a piece of heavy equipment.
I bought a brand new treadmill with the intention of doing some regular exercise; I'm generally stuck stationary using my laptop due to the nature of my work so I thought it'd be a great way to get healthy as well. So, the treadmill arrived and I've probably used it for a fortnight or two altogether - that was a few years ago. The problem is motivation; if you can't stick to some kind of schedule or routine then I found it hard to make really good use of it.
I don't actually know how long I use equipment, but is never too long Never surpasses the half year period unless it is a sport. So far everything usually lasts about 2 months and yes that is all my exercise equipment because i lose motivation.
I normally use it three days per week. I do this to keep fit and not for fun. I normally go to the gym to seek instructions from the trainer as am new to the workout process. I do this so that I do not end up with some weird shape after lifting some weights.
I have no problem using fitness gear that I purchase, but I get excited by the thought of exercise. My only problem is that I also have a gym membership, so I sometimes struggle between staying at home for my workout and going to the gym for it! They are different experiences entirely, and either way I feel as though I'm wasting some money.
I use a piece of equipment till it falls apart and begs for the sweet kiss of death. Mostly I do body weight exercises and walking in the neighborhood. When it comes to motivation, I have often found that if I have free time to stare at a television screen or watch a movie, I have time to turn on the elliptical machine and use it while I watch TV.