How Can We Restore Respect for the Virtue of Patience?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • May 11, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    People don't respect patience. That bothers me---that people only REWARD impatience.

    For instance, supposing I want a wife. Supposing I have a particular woman in mind, but she doesn't even know that I'm interested in marrying her (wanting to skip the 'romance'-section of the woo---wanting our relationship to be more like King Solomon's with his partner in Song of Solomon ... "My sister, my spouse") ... or maybe she does know, but not because I've told her.

    So I'm waiting for her to need me there and -to tell me so.

    But while I'm waiting, there's always 'the danger' that some rush-blooded boy could sweep in there (pushed-on by the need to 'do the deed') and "buy her hand in marriage" before my 'patient' nature has had the time to grow its fruit in her---you might suspect that it's not 'my patient nature' so-much as it is "my fear to lose her as a friend if she rejects my marriage-proposal" (and maybe that fear 'flavors' the patience), but it's really "me BEING a friend to her (and I don't want my friend walking a path of suffering by getting into too serious a relationship for the wrong purpose.")

    But women---I know there's a chance that they're sympathetic human-beings (especially this one, for private reasons), but there's a usually-larger chance that they're self-centered animals :mad: only into marriage for the extra paycheck, the frequent companionship & the crucial genetic-material. Even the ones that are USUALLY 'sympathetic human-beings' ... throw `em the right bone, and they're jump on you like a vixen in heat!

    But 'wait for them to ask for you to throw the bone'? Why would women even think to do that, when they've already got too many guys 'throwing bones to them' BEFORE asked? When will we patient boys be rewarded with wives?
  2. alexiskilgannon


    May 20, 2014
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    I am trying to be kind about this, but do you rant only online or do you do this in person as well? Personally, I could never take mind to a man that continuously complained about the things that were wrong in his life. I like to surround myself with happiness and content individuals. I wonder if women have not shown you insight because they are afraid of you. I know I would be, but not because I am afraid of you hurting me, but because you come off very very angry and extremely set in your ways.
  3. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Grrr ... I SAID my possible problem was 'really "me BEING a friend to her (and I don't want my friend walking a path of suffering by getting into too serious a relationship for the wrong purpose)."' And 'being a friend' (in casual settings) usually means "going with the flow." 'Ranting'--that 'stating what's wrong with the world and re-hashing what your problem with it is,' yeah?--sounds like the regular practice of a 'Grumpy Old Man,' and doesn't sound like me when I'm hanging out.

    If I'm any kind of 'old man' then, I think I pattern-after the old men I've seen in bars. (Probably a bad idea, as most of them are widowers & I'm a not-yet-ever-married single; but they're still the closest thing I've had to a father since I was 14 or 15 ... and now I'm 32---'shoulda been married 9-11 year ago,' right?).

    When I go out, I'm ALL "happiness & content." But it's puzzling to me ... kinda like Will Smith's- & Kevin James'-characters found out in Hitch, I want to be MISERABLE without her, because I know that no one could NEED her as much as I do :eek: So--if I'm 'happiness & content' without her--what is there that attracts her to me?