Every site that I go to has some kind of sweepstakes popping up. My email has been cluttered by them. Your chance to win - groceries for a year, gift certificates to shop at your favorite store, a brand new 2015 car/truck. Delete, delete, and delete. Now I know I am responsible for this when I sign up and agree with the terms and conditions of the website but ... jees. What do you hate about sweepstake entries bombarding you computer or laptop?
I have participated in a great many of them and have never won a single thing. The time to go to the site and register is not worth it unless you use the site for other things. I know a lot of forums that offer sweepstakes or lotteries for big prizes. These I would join as I frequent the forum regularly. But a site that solely offers different sweepstakes I have not bothered with in quite some time now. They fill up my inbox too.
time is money! They just... take so much time! Even if in some information boxes, the data can be autofilled by clicking on the drop down menu of your stored cache info, it's still a whole lot of time spent, and not too many indications that this would ever work! I also feel a bit bad every time that some of 'em ask me to give them my address etc. I mean, I like the idea of winning something. My mom was a compulsive contest player. But it feels like, in our time, with the internet, it's very easy to be a compulsive contest player, entries filler, surveys taker, ad clicker, etc. The odds are just not as good as when my mama was cutting out as many entries from the flyers as she could to fill them out, put them in the box at the counter of the store for the final draw. It might have taken more time to write down her infos, but she did win a few times some interesting prizes! This is something I dislike of the online aspect. Discounts and free trials are easier to come by; odds are miserably decreasing to sparkly dust of nothingness.
Yes, I have seen these and I tend to ignore them. There was a time when I fell for this. But guess what the whole you can win or be given something for free if you fill out this form is more or less a scam from what I have seen. Its like a phishing type website that wants you to buy certain programs. Which you discover after going through numerous screens and answering all sorts of questions. So, from now on I just ignore these because I now know better then to get involved. For the most part its not worth the trouble.