I really think you can get beautiful hair by keeping it clean. Wash and condition at least 2 times a week or more if you desire. I also take 10,000 mcg. of Biotin. It makes it grow and it look really good and thick. This is a product that I do recommend for all the ladies out there. I use coconut oil and lotion in my hair also. It makes your hair very manageable so it does not get all tangled.
Try using warmed castor oil for a massage leave it under a warm towel for 30 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo. Do this a couple of times a week your hair will be shinning with good health and beauty. Iron and zinc supplements help too.
I find its important to work from the inside out. So, I take Biotin and prenatal vitamins everyday. Helps my hair grow very strong and healthy.
If you want healthy looking beautiful hair, it is important to take care of it. Many people think that they can get buy with the cheapest shampoo and conditioner on the market. Unfortunately, this is not correct. The ingredients of the shampoo and conditioner is what will keep your hair looking shiny and beautiful. It is important to brush it as well. If you want your hair to look good, you need to take care of it.
I had heard about using castor oil and that it would make your hair so shiny. I have some and never tried it but now that you reminded me. Castor oil here I come. We are going to be real good friends. I didn't know about iron and zinc though. I will also have to try that along with the other good remedies. We all need to look and feel our very best, so I will try anything to look better and to keep my body, hair and skin in top shape.