Have You Seen Other Vehicles That Has A Cb Attena On The Trunk Or Roof?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by Phillip • Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Phillip

    PhillipNew Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Everyday I drive down a road, street or highway, I've watch a vehicle go by that has a CB whip on the roof or trunk of their vehicle. I know CB radios are dead for some old people. I don't see why not install it in my vehicle and scan the band once in a while. CB radio have changed since the new mobile phones came out. However, mobile phones are starting to hurt even kill a lot of drivers out there for not paying attention to the road or for other reasons. Back in my day, CB radio was a lot of fun. You talk to a lot of people over the radio and even get real time road updates.
    Next time you take a drive down to the store, or to the next town. Observe what other people have on their vehicles. Could this be true? CB radios are starting to return or are they just dying away?

    Note: CB stands for Citizen Band