Have You Ever Used A Mobile Vet Or Pet Groomer Service?

Discussion in Pets started by Diane Lane • Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    I had never heard of such a thing until I moved here. There's a mobile grooming service that lives down on the main road where I live, which is how I found out about the service. Since then, I've done some research, and found that there are also mobile veterinarians. If I could afford it, I would definitely use this type of service, since I have multiple pets, and I would also be able to use it for the stray cats that I feed. I think this would be a fantastic service and would make life so much easier, with not having to deal with traffic, transporting the pet(s), lines at the clinic, other pets, which tend to freak mine out, and all of the saved time, etc.

    If I had dogs, I would also definitely avail myself of this service. I have a lot of physical issues, and am limited with what I'm able to do, so wrestling with a dog, trying to give it a bath, would be out of the question. I've tried to bathe the cats on occasion, and even that was unmanageable. Having someone come to The House and give the animals check ups, vaccinations, treatments, and baths, would be fabulous.

    Would you use this type of service, or have you? Are they available where you live?
  2. Corzhens

    CorzhensWell-Known Member

    May 27, 2015
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    We haven't tried it yet although there is a mobile grooming salon here, a big truck that I usually see in the office area. From my inquiry, they charge regular except that you have to add a premium depending on your location. And since we live in the suburbs, the premium makes the charge expensive.
  3. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Would you use it at the house, or at work? Perhaps there's one closer to your home, so the premium would be lower? I haven't checked the prices here, since I don't have dogs, but if they offered veterinary services, it's definitely something I would consider. I think there might be zoning issues here that limit permanent business structures, because a neighbor has a (really nice) RV she keeps in her driveway as a mobile hair salon, but I think the mobile pet salon might actually go around to the individual homes and provide the services, as you mentioned.
  4. Ke Gordon

    Ke GordonWell-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I have not done this, but I have thought of it. It is so stressful for pets to go both places, especially the vet. It would be great to have someone come to the home. I have a friend who has a mobile grooming business and she says that business has never been better. She gets plenty of work.. I would like to have someone come t the house. It is one of the things that you can do when you want to be nice to your pet.
  5. isabbbela

    isabbbelaWell-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    I have not, but I have been seeing them around more frequently now. I don't think this is a 'thing' where I live yet, so it's not so common to see mobile vans or cars like that.
    Unless I had good recommendations from someone I trust, I wouldn't bring my dog to those... as they are mobile it makes me think they are not as safe as an actual pet shop.
  6. sidney

    sidneyWell-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Yes, if they have a certified diploma on display that they are accredited vets, then I will surely hire their services. I only have cat, so I won't avail of grooming services.

    @Corzhens@Corzhens, How much do they exactly charge? I need to take my cat to the vet, but I have no idea how much is a consultation fee nowadays. I last went to the vet last 2006, and my dad paid for the charges, so I have no idea.
  7. Corzhens

    CorzhensWell-Known Member

    May 27, 2015
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    I'm sorry but my rates are different because I don't reside in the US. However, I don't think it would be expensive if you are a pet lover. We used to think of the expenses like the grooming salon and the dog food but eventually we got used to the expenses and now we just spend whatever we like for our pets. So don't worry with the consultation fee of the vet. Besides, most vets are pet lovers so they don't charge a high fee.
  8. troutski

    troutskiWell-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    I've never used either type of service, but we have had a certified person come give our cats injections for immunizations and whatnot after they were adopted. A lot of rescue workers are authorized to administer those kinds of things to animals at the owner's home, if necessary. It's a convenient option to have animal care or grooming taken care of at the place of residence, and it's often easier on the pet in question, too.
  9. gata montes

    gata montesActive Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Mobile pet grooming services are very popular with dog owners where I live and very lucrative too - especially as the majority of owners here actually prefer this service to that of taking their dog to a grooming parlor - in fact many see it as pamper time for their pet - particularly as unlike grooming parlors where many dogs are all being dealt with at once - they know that their dog will get individual personalized attention and more importantly - there is less chance of their pet picking up any diseases from other dogs.

    Unfortunately apart from my mine - who is willing to do home visits for a small fee as well as come out in cases of emergency - we don't have any mobile vets - which is shame - as this is a service that I think many pet owners would value way more than a grooming service - especially as its far less stressful for a sick already traumatized animal to be treated in familiar surroundings and particularly in the case of cats who unlike dogs - generally freak out at the just the prospect of a car journey - let alone that of having to wait around in the clinic in the confines of a cage - whilst surrounded by barking dogs.