Hi, I thought a few years ago I read an article about how one could use newspaper (not colored but just black and white) for weed carpet. I always get a buyer's guide given to me every week and I thought I could use that to lay down in my flower beds rather than spending money on something to prevent weeds from growing. Anybody else ever tried this?
I've not tried it myself (usually stick to the poundstore-purchased weed barrier sheets), but I have friends who recycle old magazine paper, cardboard and newspaper and use them as weed barrier in their gardens. Claimed to be just as effective as commercially available ones.
Yes - I have used this before. You lay the newsprint down several layers thick on the bare ground, and top it with a few inches of mulch. It works quite well - but like most mulch, it breaks down into the soil after the first year or so. Also, sometimes you find weeds sprouting up. They haven't grown through the paper, but as the mulch is moist, it creates a wonderful habitat for seeds to grow in, and they will grow on top of the paper layer. This happens with all other mulch media, too - it just makes you wonder about it's effectiveness - but the paper works well. You can also take most newsprint and shred it and add to your compost heap - breaks down quickly there and adds bulk material to your compost.
I have used the news paper as a way to stop the weeds in the garde, it does work well, it does break down and it is a good way to recycle news paper.
I have used it before, but as mentioned above, it breaks down, so you still need mulch. Also, anything you put down is eventually going to have dirt and stray seeds blown onto it, and as we all know, seeds don't need dirt to sprout and grow into a plant. If you don't have a large area you could try spraying the weeds with a little vinegar.
Ditto here. I have used it in the past when I had a much larger gardden area. It seems like weeds will always find a way and a place to grow no matter what you do. I have also used the vinegar spray on smaller weeds, it does work on them quite well.
That's two interesting things to try. I've heard of the newspaper trick but not done it. I'll have all winter to save my newspapers. I had also heard straw recommended to put around plants, but it needs to be several inches deep. I'm going to give the vinegar a try.
I have never tired this before. But after reading everyone's post here , I think I will! I love to garden and do yard work. This will be fun to try.
Living in south Alabama I usually have some sort of garden growing almost year round. I use newspapers, they will not stop every weed, just like others have mentioned, but it does cut down on the weeds. We have a lot of trees around our house, pine and others, so I usually rake up all of that to go on top of the newspaper. One bit of advice - dampen the newspaper as you lay it down, even if it isn't windy you will end up chasing papers around before you can get it covered if it isn't a little damp and weighted down first. Good luck!
I have never heard of this idea before but I think I will give it a try. I shred some of my newspapers and add them to my composter, which works really well at adding carbon and giving a good consitancy. Too much of it and the compost it too heavy though so I use it sparingly. The rest I put in the recycling so this is a good way to use up more.
Well sure, this is just classic. That is how I made my bed last year. But crab grass breaks thru, no matter how thick I got that paper. I had to re-do it this year as the stubborn crab grass just came up anyway. This year I ended up getting that black landscaper's cloth from Tractor Supply. It wasn't much money. The dollar store also has it. I put mulch on top of that. I have also used a wooden paneling, and wood boards to kill grass. If you have an old carpet, it is great. But for the laying of beds, yes, the paper and mulch thing is good you can do right away with no waiting. I love that part of it. And I think it depends upon the grass, how stubborn it is.