Has anybody heard of UBER or LYFT? I have seen adds asking for drivers for these services. They are especially looking for drivers to and from the airport here in the Midwestern states.
I've heard of Uber, but not Lyft. I like Uber because it is a bit more reliable than a regular cab, I like to use it for more important trips I need to make or for a fancier night out, and the cars are always a bit nicer. I do not know anyone who has worked for them but I can say that any driver I have ever had is very nice and seems rather pleased with what they are doing.
I've definitely heard of LYFT, but I don't think it's so popular yet in the West Coast...though it may be, and I'm just completely out of it. It's hard to say too whether it's popular or whether I know a lot about it because I'm in the rural area right now, and services such as LYFT is much much more popular in cities and crowded places. I'm sure I'll see more of those when I go into the larger cities, but as of right now I just know of it, but don't know it know it.