I don't drink that much, which means that I'm not used to it so whenever I do drink, I usually end up getting a strong hangover the next day no matter how little I intake the night before. That said, I honestly don't really mind it that much since I still consider drinking a fairly fun activity and still kind of worth the pain I get the next day, though I'd really like to get a few recommendations on how I could maybe prevent or alleviate some of the discomfort. Is there anything I could buy and ingest to cure a hangover? I usually just drink some aspirin, then eat a lot and keep hydrating to cure myself from it, but I'm wondering if there are some alternate remedies I just haven't found yet.
I don't drink. It's a personal choice. However, I have nursed many of my friends back to full "health" after a drinking spree. Usually, coffee works. When this doesn't warm honey with lemon is a good idea. Before, I watched my dad drink rootbeer with raw egg. It was kind of yucky, but he swore it was good for hangovers.
Plenty of water and a good fry up absorbs it all! Buttery toast, eggs, sausages (veggie for me) and beans. If you can't handle that, most people find a toasted bacon sandwich helps and toast (white). Even though I like coffee, I have just the one and apple juice detoxifies the liver. Drink it throughout the day and it does work.
If you decide to take a pain killer for the headache, use ibuprofen (Advil) because it is processed by the kidneys, not the liver. Pretty much all other meds are processed through the liver, so you don't want to tax it after it has just had alcohol to deal with. I don't know much about hangovers as no one in my family drinks, but definitely getting good hydration will make a difference because it helps to flush out toxins. Some thing that are good for the liver are dandelion root tea, turmeric and leafy green veggies.
I don't know why, but a couple of Ham & Egg McMuffin's always seems to make everything better after a night of hard drinking, lol. Granted if you are still weak and hungover, you should probably have someone drive you there instead of hitting the road on your own. One thing a bartender friend of mine used to recommend for a hangover and upset stomach is some plain soda water with a bunch of bitters (Agnosutra brand) added to it, and a squeeze of lemon juice - then you just pour it over ice so it's real cold and chug the whole glass all at once. It should look like a bright amber color, if not you need to add more bitters. The bitters kind of work in a similar way to ginger ale, to settle an uneasy stomach. The convenient stores used to sell some sort of pills that you could take before a night of drinking which was supposed to prevent hangovers, but they never really worked when I tried them. I think they were just charcoal pills to try and absorb the impurities from the booze. Another friend of mine swears by drinking a gallon of water before he goes to bed.
I haven't had a hangover since I was like... 17, I think lol. Hate alcohol, at least for getting drunk with anyway. But enough of that. I have heard that bananas are a good remedy cure for hangovers. Not sure how true it is but there seemed to be some kind of science behind it. Research. But then again, you cannot trust everything that you hear/read on the internet lol. The cure could be to not get drunk in the first place
The hangover is from dehydration, so the answer is in keeping hydrated while you're drinking and if you can't, hydration once you get up. Greasy food is a go to as well lol. I wouldn't suggest meds.. whether it's processed by the liver or kidneys, those things can potentially eat holes in your stomach if the conditions aren't right and dehydration is a fast track to damage. Go with tons of water and whatever food you crave and take it as a lesson learned
Sadly, unhealthy food is what seems to work.... Coke, chocolate, chips... Stuff like that. That's actually one of the reasons why I'm really trying to cut down on drinking. The day after is always horrible. You can try to thug it out and just drink water... I'm not so strong though.
Salt always seems to help me, like, junk food - Fries, or Chips always does the drink. And be sure to drink lots of water so you can hydrate yourself.
Hello there! I recommend that you not drink any aspirin to cure your hangover. Why? Alcohol, when mixed with medicine, can be downright fatal. Please take heed of Heath Ledger's case and many other cases that were caused by wine/alcohol heavily laced with prescription drugs or ordinary medication. I'd rather you drink lots of milk. Coffee doesn't always work for me, but milk does.
Granola helps a lot for hangovers. If you eat granola and honey you should be fine. Also make sure you drink a lot of water since your body and gatoraide.
You should also be really careful about drinking it you are on anti depressants like Zoloft or bi-polar meds like Lamictal, you really shouldn't be drinking at all on these, but I can tell you from first hand experience that you get extremely messed up drunk if you are a heavy drinker and on these meds at the same time. I had many blackouts where I don't even remember what I was doing the night before - I would get up in the morning and stuff would be rearranged or tossed around my place that I don't remember moving, or way worse, my car would be parked in a different spot as if I had gone somewhere.
I know this is somehow unlikely, and in fact I was also surprised when I knew about it, but working out when you have a hangover is a really effective way to get through your hangover. It's best on my experience. Also, hydrate yourself, drink energy drinks like Gatorade and avoid diuretics like coffee. It's a common notion to drink a coffee after a heavy drinking session, but the fact is it doesn't help, and in fact worsens your physical state.