I know this is a long shot, but I'm taking a day trip to the beach (specifically Charleston, SC), and I'm going to have a handicapped person with me who can't walk very far. I usually go to Isle of Palm, but I am not aware of a place there that is good for handicapped people to access the beach. I also refuse to pay $5 to park anywhere, so I usually park on the street, which is legal in this area. Anyway, for this area or any area, does anyone have any tips for getting a handicapped person to the beach. She walks with a cane and just can't go far. No wheelchair access needed. Thanks!
I'd be inclined to drop her off at the beach, then go park the car, and leave her waiting while you fetch it to collect her. Also, does she have a Disabled Parking Badge? They can be used in any car as long as she is travelling in it, and it may allow you to park closer to the beach, or where parking is not normally allowed.