With my recent pregnancy, my hair has seemed to stop growing (or at least grows very slowly). With my first 2 pregnancies, my hair grew so much more than usual, but this last time, it seems like the opposite happened. I want to jump start my hair growth, if that is possible. Do you have any tips for getting your hair to grow more quickly. Any products that seem to help? Thanks in advance.
So, you're saying that you're pregnant now? If so, I won't recommend what I do, which is take 10,000 mcg of Biotin daily (some people notice improvement with hair growth with only 5,000 mcg). If your hair continues to grow at a slow rate after you've had your baby and finished breast feeding, then I would definitely recommend the biotin. Otherwise, get in more protein duing your pregnancy. Hair is made up of mostly protein, and people who eat a good amount of it notice their hair grows at a faster rate.
Castor Oil is good too. You can use it on the scalp and massage your scalp to stimulate hair growth. I 've used it on and off and notice my hair is thicker and longer, however it's not overnight and takes about 6-12 weeks to see noticable results. I've also heard of Hairfinity vitamins however I don't know if they are all natural or not. Do some research, but I 've heard people have amazing results.
Eat a very nutritious diets, with lots of healthy fats. I've read scalp massages help. Also, the castor oil tip is a good one. I do find it is quite heavy though and takes a few washes to really get out.
You can use Aloe Vera hair gel that's what I use and my hair is long. I have to cut it all the time or else it will be in my face. Coconut oil is also great for moisturizing your hair, and it helps to regrow damaged hair.
As I have understood, what happens to you is normal after pregnancy. The body needs to balance your hormones and gradually return to normal. I don´t know how long this process takes, but I think you have to be patient. During pregnancy and lactation, hair grows more than normal. During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone stimulate hair growth in pregnant women. However, when the body returns to its regular hormone levels (usually 12 weeks after the end of pregnancy or lactation stage), the hair takes the rest you need. Then, excess hair fall and hair regains its original appearance, returning to have the volume and thickness as before, this causes a decrease in hair health, and can give the feeling of loss of volume. Perhaps you're in the "resting phase". Continuing with basic care and don't worry.
Many people have said that olive oil you cook with, is good for your hair. And can make it grow healthy and long. Just leave it in there for a few and rinse it out. Just be careful with using certain products while your pregnant.
I think you should not be overly worried about this. It's not like as if your hair is falling. If your hair is falling off, then you should be worried. So just take it easy and see what happens after the child is born.
I have used a shampoo called Mane and Tale. It is horse shampoo but formulated for humans and it is also safe to use on dogs too I believe. It made my hair grow pretty fast, smells nice, and it is not expensive to buy.
Natural fish oil supplements are good for your hair so is fresh fruit and vegetables added to your daily diet.
You can help hair growth by taking vitamins such as Biotin or Silica, it may take awhile to see results depending on the person. Also, you should deep condition your hair weekly, you can either buy a deep conditioner or use at home products such as Olive Oil than put a shower cap on, sit with it for about 20 minutes and then wash it out. You should also avoid heat products, but if you have to use them always use a heat protectant to minimize damage and breakage and if your ends are split it's best to have them cut so your hair does not break off.
Try massaging your scalp off and on, the stimulation, should assist with growing the hair. Good luck.
I use coconut oil and coconut milk to grow and thicken the hair. I believe those are very good for thickening the hair and making it very soft. I am trying to grow my hair and so far it's working. I use coconut milk everyday and my hair is getting thicker and growing. I have never tried castor oil but I've heard good things about that also.
I rub jojoba oil on my scalp and through my hair once a week. I also trim a half an inch to promote hair growth. My hair is getting pretty long and I do not have so many split ends. I stopped blow drying my hair and just air dry now so I can keep my hair nice and strong.
Thanks for the information about those vitamins. I will also try the biotin and see what happens. So taking a dose of 10,000 mcg. doesn't hurt one to take each day does it? I use to have very long hair until I had my daughter and then I cut it and it seems not to ever want to grow back and just wondered what did I do to make it stop growing. But I had heard at a certain age it stops growing and I said, how could that be? I believe you can grow your hair at any age and this goes to prove it. We have to know what to do and thanks again.
You can give slow-growing hair a boost by keeping it — and yourself — as healthy as possible. Here’s how: Eat a healthy diet. Though eating well won’t magically turn your short hair into long locks, nutrients that promote growth do help. These nutrients can be found in fish and poultry, dark green vegetables, whole grains, eggs, low-fat dairy products, beans, and nuts. Avoid crash diets. Trying to drop too many pounds too quickly can affect the cycle of your hair growth. If you want to lose weight, talk to your doctor about a sensible eating and fitness plan.