Growing your own vegetables, fruit and herbs etc is an excellent way to save money. You don't need lots of space to grow your own herbs, you can grow herbs in a pot on the window ledge. Nothing beats digging up your own vegetables while the prices in the supermarkets keep going up. Do you grow your own?
Exactly. And its healthy. We however just have three plants in our yard. Its tomatoes and a chilli pepper plant The tomatoes never stops bearing and the third is a vegetable vein, my mother use to cook soup with it and as far as I know its called Malabar.
I had a few plants get killed by insects that ate the leaves. The only edible plants I have left are ginger, basil, chives and mint. But I have gotten a lot of use out of those 4, especially the ginger. I would definitely plant more, once I figure out how to get rid of bugs that only attack my edible plants. Go figure, my non-edible houseplants are doing great.
We've always done tomatoes and peppers and had good success with those. This year we added carrots, red onions and sweet potatoes. Everything grew really well. We'll add more next year. We are having some of the sweet potatoes tonight. I love knowing we grew the food ourselves. It's awesome knowing where it came from and how fresh it is. I also love that it saves us money.
Yes, I love growing my own. I want to grow all or most of my fruit, veggies, nuts, herbs, spices, edible flowers and 'weeds', beans and other legumes, olives, some grains, sugar cane, sugar leaf, vanilla beans, honey, and just for fun, cacao and coffee. Cacao and coffee would take awhile to produce and wouldn't provide all the chocolate and coffee I need, which is why I say "just for fun".