Do you give happy? Do you go out of your way to make someone smile, just for the sake of giving them a little happiness in the moment? If not, you should try it. Pay someone a compliment, lend a hand when you see it's needed, give a smile, give a hug, give a small token of appreciation or a random act of kindness. To a friend, to a child, to a complete stranger. The act of giving happy on a daily basis makes us happier in the long run.... not that you should be doing it for benefit; it's just a happy side effect
What a fantastic post! I love it! Matter of fact, I am going to "Give Happy" at least 5 times today! Maybe even to Random Strangers. I might just make this a habit.
Good one mate You are too correct in your saying throughout the past. It really gives a kind of happiness which can't be expressed in just words and it is truly enjoyed by our heart. I too believe in such saying and I always try to do the same throughout. I find my happiness in helping others. That may not be a bigger help but the way they feel satisfied is the main theme behind this.
I totally forgot about this post! I didn't see the responses. Postergirl, if you're still around, I hope you followed through.. every time I leave the home I try to "give happy" in one way or another for everyone I interact with. And of course, my family, every minute of the day
I smile at people every where I go. And it is amazing how many frowning people will actually smile back at you. I also compliment both women and men on their appearance. Maybe it is what they are wearing or a nice hairstyle. It seems to make their day better. Afterall, who knows what is going on in their lives that may not be so great and a compliment can really make a difference.
Exactly, Joyce! I moved to a very large city not too long ago and it's odd to me how many people are put off by me being kind to them lol. It's sad really. Like they aren't used to people helping out of nowhere, or saying "good morning" even. I know when someone does the same to me, it lifts me a little and I don't particularly need lifting lol. So I will always give happy when the opportunity arises.. I'm glad you do too