Gift Giving/receiving

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by jneanz • Oct 7, 2016.


Do you thank people for gifts received?

  1. Yes I contact right away with a phone call or thank you card!

    1 vote(s)
  2. I thank them when I get around to rush.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Sometimes

    0 vote(s)
  4.'s their job as a friend/relative/associate to buy gifts as culture determines.

    0 vote(s)
  5. No because they know how I feel

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. jneanz

    jneanzActive Member

    Apr 4, 2014
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    About a month ago, I bought a couple of specialty magazine for a relative that is ill. They were returned to me for no real reason and the postal service has been giving me the runaround. I send packages once every other month with no problem but here's the underlying issue.

    This relative has a few dollars and is okay to be around but that side of family never says thank you, or waits a long time to acknowledge receipt of any gift. My aunt even told me on my last visit that there is no need to rush gratitude because I was reared to contact immediately upon receipt. They have passed this habit on to the next generation. Recently, my grandmother said she was going to stop giving them gifts because of refusal to acknowledge.

    While I enjoy sharing things with people, I tend to be reluctant when there is a nonchalant attitude about people extending themselves. I mentioned the money because where I live (L.A.) the cost of living is very high and things move at a different pace than in most parts. Unfortunately in my family, status means something and one should be careful when mentioning faults. Those of us that are not wealthy tend to get subtle back-handed remarks by this side of family.

    So while $13 lost is not hurting my feelings, I have to wonder if its a sign saying don't invest more money in postage.
  2. kingcool52

    kingcool52Active Member

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Well I make sure that I thank them the moment I get it. I wouldn't send a card or call them unless it was a massive present that was either very important to me or quite expensive. Otherwise I would just thank them again when I meet them or get the chance to thank them. A person not saying thank you for a gift can be hurtful as you start to wonder if maybe they didn't like it
  3. jneanz

    jneanzActive Member

    Apr 4, 2014
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    I was taught that even cheap presents deserve acknowledgement. Few people come into real wealth and a person who is naturally generous is one that should be treasured because they can one day decide (like my grandmother did recently, in regard to this side of family) to not buy ANYTHING ever again-even if it is important or greatly needed.