There are quite a few sites starting to pop up that buy gift cards and sell them. I've noticed a lot more people are starting to buy from these places to save some money. They give the person selling the card cash for it (an amount less than the gift card). People can go to their site and buy a gift card to just about anywhere you can think of. I don't know if its worth going through all of that just to save two or three dollars, but I guess if you do it often it can add up. What do you think? Is it worth it or just a big hassle? LOVE & DEALS DH
I don't think that it is worth the effort. Anyway, what if the item you bought has less value than the gift card you have? You would end up buying more to maximize the value of the gift card and add cash. Unless you'll purchase an item with the same price with your gift card, you're better off not using one.
If it's only a few dollars cheaper, I don't see it as being too much of a bargain, but like you said, if you are to do this often enough or even just buying more than the usual number in a single purchase, then you'd definitely be saving a lot. As long as it's free and safe, I'd say it's worth a try at the very least.
If it was an awesome price, I'd do it. But I don't usually buy gift cards. Sometimes if a store I go to has a promotion attached to buying gift cards (such a gas rewards) then I might buy one for somewhere I know I'll go to. But just to buy it, no. And for a gift, I don't know. What if fees are taken out or something?
Well, I guess that it can be a good deal if you buy lots of them since the discount will add up, but if you're just gonna buy once or twice, then you're better off not buying a gift card. But as presents, a gift card is a better option to give as a gift.
I find it to be a big hassle. The companies are banking on the fact that most people won't end up using the entire balance of those cards, which will ultimately expire and they will pocket the rest. Don't forget that at many stores you can pay with multiple payment methods. In other words, if your card has $1.53 left on it, tell the cashier you want to charge exactly that amount to the card to use it up, then pay the remainder of the balance with cash. The only caveat are some stores won't let you use credit cards for purchases less than $10. This mainly happens at mom & pop stores, but larger chain stores don't tend to do this.
I am lazy enough not to go through all of it, I don't feel that saves enough and I have already chosen myself a favourite places I buy, not so easy to change that.