Nowadays there are all sorts of ways to earn money online. I came across sites that you can earn money for working out, walking or sharing healthy ideas. It sounds fun but, as usual, such services are mostly US and UK based and my country is left out. Has anyone tried this method of earning money?
As yourself I'm always left out but I have tried an app that does similar rewarding method to stay active. I joined one but didn't really get motivated with it and unintalled it a week later. To start earning in the app I had to moniter one month of activity first in order to start earning. I really don't work out or go running so if I wasn't earning anything then there's no use for me.
I'm always a bit wary about things that track my location, so when I looked at how some of the apps work I wasn't too happy with them. I do know a few people using apps, but they've said they doesn't pay well. A pedometer or fitness tracker works better for health, although it doesn't pay. If you are looking for an app in your country, there is PACT, which is worldwide, but you can lose money as well as make it (people who don't make their goals pay bonuses to people who do).
Interesting, sure I would like explore the option of getting paid to keep healthy and fit. I am not sure I have come across sites where I can work out and do other health related activities for money. I'd be checking out the pedometer or fitness tracker mentioned by Jessika . It would have been great if you listed more of such sites you saw.