Get Paid to Share Free Links, What Do You Think of the Idea (NOT a Join-Link)

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • Apr 14, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    You may have seen them--AdFly, Shortest among others--sites that offer you 'money in exchange for redirecting your shared-links to ad-pages that then link back to thee link's original page' (i.e. take a link like

    Log In

    , enter it on the redirect-site & they give you something like ',' which would lead to an advertiser's site in a frame that has a link to the originnal site).

    It sounds like a good deal, but it's probably only REALLY good if you have a lot of visitors or friends who frequently click the links you display & share. And I mean 'a lot' like in "big box-office"-terms. Because you'll earn about $3 for every THOUSAND redirect-clicks ... and that's just the ones that COUNT (wwhich it probably won't if the viewer has 'nearly any kind of firewall/cookie-protector.')

    But--like I would say back when I was 'obsessed' with redirect TRAFFIC-EXCHANGES (in which--rather than money--you earned the chance for display on others' redirects)--it's better than giving folks the basic affiliate-link, when they'll just take your 'referral-ID' ('... /?ref=YOUR_USERNAME') off of the address and sign-up without giving you credit ... even though they KNOW it won't "save them any money," people are just selfish like that.

    So you can think of it as 'protecting your affiliate-credits' through those long-long months you'll spend waiting to earn enough to pay-out :p
  2. Annabell

    AnnabellActive Member

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Well, it's very easy to set these sort of things up to run on autopilot, especially if you have a spare laptop or computer running around so that it doesn't take up any of the resources of your main computer. You're not exactly going to get rich off of these sort of sites, but you will make some pocket money so to speak.