Have you heard about the websiteLog In I do visit this website daily to find good programs and apps that I could use on my computer. Add this to your bookmark, I'm sure you won't regret doing this.
Wow, thanks for sharing this link. It actually looks quite useful. I was expecting to see awful and almost unknown software being offered to be honest with you but even the one being offered today was pretty useful. Might actually get the Smart Defrag being offered today
I just clicked the link, however, I am yet to try anything on this website and check what kind of free software are available. However, I do believe that this must be a great website because the programs offered must be useful to someone. By the way I have a question, how do they manage to give freebies.
Their free software of the day is currently not my cup of tea but I will check them regularly because who knows they might upload a software that I need, Like an audio editing software or maybe a browser that is better than Google Chrome. I hope they will have a better offer tomorrow.
This looks like a good site for those with no budget for licensed software. I am in hunt for a basic anti virus that wouldn't drag my computer with the auto update and auto scan. I'm also looking for a video editor that can handle HD format because my current video editor can process non-HD only. I am expecting that those free software are not the trial versions.