I came across this article on MSN Money about a man who is definitely trying to live the frugal life. He was arrested for helping himself to a whole tray of free samples and then filed a lawsuit. He contends that you can't steal something that is free. So my frugal friends, should he have been arrested for stealing? What would Log In
Wow. I think this is probably going overboard on living a frugal lifestyle. Imagine taking all the ketchup packets in the restaurant and then putting them in a bottle. It is just wrong in my opinion. I think that couponing and just saving money and making good deals is the best way to live a frugal lifestyle but taking something that is free in a big quantity is just very selfish and wrong to do.
I agree with Anna - what he did was dishonest. Even if it was technically not theft, it is probably a form of fraudulent conduct, because samples are by their very nature not intended to supply need for a product, but just to be a taster to help you decide if you would enjoy the full sized product. With his actions, this person deprived other people of that option. Even if it's not legally wrong, it;s certainly morally wrong.
The article's not loading :| But from what you mentioned, I have to agree with both Anna and Sandra. I'm not sure he should have been arrested (since technically it's not theft to take something that is free), but punished in some way for doing something that's morally wrong, like being banned from the store or something. I can't believe he could really be that cheap; he's not frugal. Frugal would be couponing, finding ways to cut down on expenses, things like that. What he did is being cheap.
The article didn't load for me either. Yes, technically it's not theft. It was completely selfish and there's really no law against being a selfish bast*&d. This is taking frugal to the extreme. Honestly, it really sounds like some type of mental illness.
I have to agree with other posters. This man should have taken into consideration the fact that other people may want to try a sample of the deli meat as well. He took an entire pound of deli meat as well as other item and now he's suing. I believe this man does have some type of mental illness. There's a big difference between living frugally and being selfish.
I agree with the other posters. He shouldn't have taken all the samples because that is seriously going overboard.
Well, he was definitely a bit greedy, but how on earth is it legally right to arrest someone for taking something that is free? Thats ridiculous. The police have definitely over reacted.
I am one who feels guilty about taking any free samples of anything. So I wouldn't have went this route. I do like buy one get one free sales though. I figure since I've paid in, I deserve another for free.
The guy is 68 years old and he walked out of this incident with 2 black eyes and a slash across the bridge of his nose. Even if he was selfish and took a whole tray of samples, they beat the hell out of a 68 year old man and that's not okay in my book. This guy looks way too beaten up over some free samples. He's a 68 year old retired laboratory machinist.
I agree. I'm not sure what transpired that created the need to beat the man like they did, that was wrong, but they used to cut off fingers in some countries for thievery. I'm sure that he, like millions of Americans, is struggling to survive, but stealing is stealing. Don't do the crime and then sue because you didn't get away with it. That's insane.
Wow. Well, he looks like a pretty tough guy anyways so I'm sure he'll heal fast. Considering his background, he might seek revenge on the people who beat him up through a series of clever traps and devices!
Maybe the legal action should be over being beaten up, which I did not see in the linked story. But I have got to say I am sick of jerks and crooks suing over some perceived misjustice when they did wrong in the first place. Some legal actions over some of this stuff would make me laugh if it was not so totally wrong. No sympathy for this guy from me. Jerk, not victim. Ryder13
What a cheapskate! I bet if he had kids he sent them to the cheapest school in town and fed his family the cheapest food that was available. Serves him right that he was charged. What he did was so inconsiderate, selfish, and greedy. I mean, who in his right mind would do that?! He is worse than those homeless people on the streets who have nothing to eat!
But he does kind of resemble John Goodman don't ya think? Not regular John Goodman, but John Goodman in the movie "Death Sentence".
I think it was selfish. I mean I understand wanting to save some money, but that is going a bit far! I don't know about arresting him for it either, there are worse crimes to worry about in our world. I think someone should explain to him about getting some coupons to save some money, and signing up online for free samples that can be mailed right to his house. People will go to great lengths.
I think being frugal doesn't mean to steal the whole thing, regardless it's free. It's still considered stealing. Maybe he is struggling with his life, but it is not an excuse to do something like that. Being poor did not justified what he did. Maybe he has a psychological problem or something. But many people are doing odd things just to survive.
I'd say the beating outshines what he did. So he's cheap and did something shady.. I hope the lawsuit is because, once again, someone abused their position. Unless he put up a serious fight to instigate defence, there's no excuse for the punishment he received.