From carpet to wood floor?

Discussion in Home & Garden started by isabbbela • Jun 10, 2014.

  1. isabbbela

    isabbbelaWell-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    I'm checking if there would be a possibility of changing the floor from a carpet to a wood floor, or at least some non-carpet floor alternative. I know I'll have to check with the landlord, since I rent, if this would be OK with him, but I'm pretty sure he will agree.

    The issue now is who will pay for the new floor. My idea is to pay for it myself and have a discount in my rent until the landlord pays it back with the rent discounts. If that doesn't work, I'm willing to work out with him and see if I'll pay for a portion and he'll pay for the rest.

    I would like to know if any of you have ever changed your floors from carpet to a non-carpet floor? Was it too much work? Did it get too expensive?