My aunt has a farm and for the first time in my life i saw a chicken lay an egg. I also got to eat that very egg cause i wanted to see if a fresh egg would taste good. It was almost the same, maybe just a bit fresher......what do you guys think, are eggs straight from the bird or shelf better?
My dad takes care of chickens at home since 2002, and I have seen the hens lay eggs many times already. We either eat the eggs or make the hen sit on them so that they can be hatched into chicks. I think that there's no difference though between the taste of fresh eggs and shelf eggs.
We had chicken at home and I have seen them lay eggs and eat them fresh. I would say I like them better than store bought eggs because we feed them organic stuff and we know for sure what we consume. I would love to have some chicks myself if I only had the space.
I have never seen a chicken lay on egg. Funny, since I live in a rural area and know people with chickens... but nope, never have. I have eaten fresh eggs, and didn't notice a difference. Except one time, when all I got was red and disgusting... yuck
Today it's very difficult to get really fresh eggs, for that, we should look for a reputable supplier, sometimes even if it means paying a little more for them. Keep in mind that the healthy and nutritious way to consume eggs is in its raw state and in this sense it's necessary to emphasize the importance of the eggs are fresh. However, in fresh eggs can be certain bacteria that commonly cause food poisoning. For this reason it is important to proper cleaning of these products.
I heard that very fresh eggs will often have blood in them, which would really gross me out. I guess the blood dissipates as the egg gets older, which is why you don't normally see it in eggs from the grocery store. I was also told that fresh eggs are harder to peel if making hard boiled eggs.
90% of the time i eat fresh because my family has a place to get them, but when i get them from the market, i can really taste the difference.
I have never really had the chance to have fresh ones, I have noticed a big difference between organic grass fed chicken eggs and 'regular' ones though, the quality is huge.
I've never tasted a freshly laid egg but I have to say that after watching a hen lay an egg when I was a kid. I wouldn't eat eggs at all. It took many years for me to get over that. LOL. So, in my case, I definitely prefer to buy them at the store. Don't like farms, especially chicken farms.
I have tasted both fresh eggs and one from the shelf and i cannot really tell if there is any difference. I did however enjoy the mental thought that i was eat freshly produced eggs.
I would like to rear chickens and have my own supply of free range eggs but I eat a lot of eggs and I would need a lot of chickens. A chicken will produce an egg every day or two and I eat at least 4 eggs a day. The other problem is protecting the chickens from foxes, we have lots of foxes in my area.
I've found blood in eggs before.. they were store bought. As for fresh or store bought, it depends on where they got the eggs and how those animals were treated. I tend to lean to fresh regardless.
I have had fresh egg for years.. none of them had blood in them. It is the older ones that have blood in them. I have had no issues peeling those eggs either. Maybe we just adapted well to them.
I have never had fresh from the farm eggs as far as I know. I've thought of keeping chickens just to have healthy eggs, but I live in the city and I don't really like eating eggs so it doesn't make a lot of sense for me to do so. The farmer's market I frequent has chickens and occasionally offers eggs in the CSA box, but I've never tried them. I do know that Fresh eggs can be kept longer than supermarket eggs because they haven't traveled great distances or sat around.
Not in a positive manner. I don't really like fresh eggs - they look strange, they may or may not be fertilized, and their quality may or may not be good depending on diet. Also I don't really like how they taste. Store eggs generally benefit from being standardized and having been processed as it were. Also I don't like getting fertilized eggs in my skillet.