I am beginning to make effort to cut down drastically on consumption of packaged foods and drinks. The reason for this decision is not far fetched, some of these packaged or can foods are loaded with preservatives. Experts have argued and concluded too much of these chemicals in foods and drinks are capable of predisposing the body to weighty health problems. I'd rather go for fresh foods and fruits even if they may be more expensive.
I have gone further than that. Some of the most deleterious substances to the body are pleasing to the palate. Take sugar for instance. It has the capacity of aging your skin as much as smoking in addition to causing diabetes. The other culprit is salt which should be taken in moderation. It can cause alot of complications like high blood pressure. It would be hard at first but will soon turn into a lifestyle.
True. Processed food ruins the body. It is the same reason we stopped eating them, we still do eat some if only we miss them a bit. Aside from that, I do not use MSG whenever I cook. Which actually improved my cooking skills a bit.
When you say packaged I assume you mean processed in some commercial form. Even some spices used to flavor fresh foods may be a problem for some people. Many of the "chemicals" used for commercial preparation intended to stabilize foods or improve texture can be problems, especially if consumed in quantity. Remember, however, that many of these chemicals and flavorings have the advantage of making foods less likely to carry dangerous bacteria. When eating fresh, unpackaged or unprocessed foods be sure that they are not contaminated with dangerous bacteria.
I agree with the fact that chemicals used in these canned or packaged foods do have the ability to wade off dangerous bacteria and microbes. I think this is just one advantage of the substance on stored foods. Regarding the fresh foods what I do is wash them thoroughly with normal water or warm water with salt to remove every trace of bacteria or germs before preparation and consumption.
You should stay away from the packaged foods and try to eat more organic and natural as well,and this alone will keep you from eating to many preservatives or additives. Also stay away from the artificial sweetners because they block absorption of vitamins that the body needs to function. Another one to stay away from is high-fructose corn syrup because its been linked to weight gain and fatty liver disease.
Even though preservatives are not good for our health it is not possible in large scale production. So there is no other way but to depend on preservatives. The most important part is that the companies should adhere to the specified amount of preservatives. Most of the multinational companies use preservatives more than the specified limit to enhance shelf life. In old days there were many ways to preserve foods like using salt, sugar water, dry foods etc. but it is not possible for all food products. Even food items like wheat flour, salt contain preservatives that inhibit bacteria formation. Fresh food is always good but it is not practically possible at all times. Even fruits and vegetables we buy from open market are not 100% nutritious as they go through a number of freezing and other techniques.