This is such a unflattering topic, but has anyone had any success with treating flat warts? I have a lot on my legs and they aren't going away. Thankfully, they aren't really noticeable to anyone but me, but I'm scared they will just keep multiplying. Any help would be appreciated.
My mom has had hers cautherized. Before, her warts are really noticeable but now, I can barely see if she has any. Beware though as it is really painful because they will burn the warts one by one.
Oh no, that does sound painful! I don't think I can really go that route right now, except for maybe the one or two that are bigger. The rest are flat against my body, so I don't know if they would be able to burn them. I've heard of pills that supposedly boost your immunity, which is supposed to help, but I'm hesitant to spend the money to buy them.
My mother also cauterized one she had on the cheek, but overtime reappeared and it wasn't plain. I have seen many of those flat warts appearing all over my belly and what truly worries me is to know why these appear, and sometimes disappear by themselves. My mom told me to apply the same liquid solution she used to cauterize her wart, but didn't work on me, and more than painful, it cause a really nasty burning sensation.
My mom has really high tolerance for pain lol. Maybe you could try apple cider vinegar? I read that it can help diminish the appearance of warts! You can search how as it requires many steps.
I read last night that a cut potato applied daily may help. Apparently the acid in the potato kills the wart. Worth a shot!
I've never heard of flat warts, are they the same or different than moles? I had some moles removed in the past, and the insurance covered (part of) it, since they can sometimes develop into cancerous growths. I had one cauterized, as @Briannagodess and @MyDigitalpoint mentioned, and had another frozen off (cryotherapy), and neither is pleasant, but I'd vote for Cryotherapy, rather than cauterization, from a pain/discomfort perspective.
Flat warts are much like regular flats, a fleshy bump on the skin, only that with the look of having been squeezed and left hanging on it. Some of these might be so flat that don't really hang down, mostly because this type of warts are smaller than other regular warts, particularly those that resemble a mole. At least those flat warts appearing on my skin are really small.
I would love to have Cryotherapy for my freckles. Do you think this is applicable for freckles too? And what is the process in Cryotherapy?
Flat warts are the ones that go down into the skin instead of sitting on top. They are therefore rather hard to get rid of. Since they are not in your feet, they are probably not as painful. One method you can try is putting lavender essential oil directly on it, cover with a bandaid and replace the treatment daily after showering. This may clear the wart in several weeks. If that isn't successful, salicylic acid is stronger and is another good option to try. You'll need to read the directions for that. Freezing warts is also pretty good, but downplay ones it's very hard to get all the way down in one freeze, and you will likely freeze the surrounding skin pretty badly doing it.