Just yesterday I got this flash update on my computer, all normal up to the point where I have a little box to uncheck if I don't want to install McAffe Virus scan. What? An anti-virus software while updating flash? Does this make any sense?
It makes perfect sense. Flash and Java often add on programs to their downloads in order to make some extra money. When users download those programs, the companies get paid a little extra by that particular company. It's a nice way to make some money off of otherwise free software. Java does the same thing but wants you to download the Ask.com toolbar and change your home page to Ask.com. It's not a huge deal. All you have to do is decline those offers and get your download taken care of.
Yes, I've had that pop.up before to update Adobe Flash player and the mcafee program piggybacks in that installation process so what i did is i unchecked it to make sure mcafee will not be installed in my computer as well. It's very common, i think mcafee is some sort of malware in that situation because it's like forcing you to install in the computer. How desperate. -.-
It's not a big deal to them sure. OK, I am getting a free service so I need to take the advertising, but many people don't notice and just install stuff that ultimately can damage their computer, so I don't think it's something correct.
It's annoying as hell for several reasons - people who are not paying attention when installing Flash updates may not notice it then all of a sudden will have two antiviruses running on their system which can slow things down and cause even more problems. The other issue is that this is only giving Adobe the incentive to push out *more* non-critical updates just to try and increase their odds of tricking people into installing McAfee as well. Adobe already has enough of a bad reputation with incessant Acrobat updates and now they are doing the same thing with Flash as well. I'm so glad that Flash is going the way of the dinosaur and being replaced by HTML5 and Javascript. Good riddance. I've noticed nearly every single time I reboot my system I am getting nagged with Flash updates now.
That's exactly how I feel as well tom, after all we are just making an update, so what's the point in having another programs trying to sneak in our computers? Doesn't seem a legit move, but on the other hand we can also just pay attention to what we are agreeing with.
I have also faced similar problem when it comes to updating the flash. The updates are quite frequently given which becomes quite irritating at times. I think it is very important to avoid the updates at certain times because 90% of the times I would never see any changes in the actual software. I hope there is a way to manually update the software.
There are no updates more annoying than the adobe ones, really! Sure, for the adobe flash it's fine because we really need it, but just to watch a PDF why do we need so many updates and with their annoying crawling software? I think they should update it less often.
It's annoying but you have to read every bit of tick boxes you tick and untick. Sometimes upates include these "security features" to make your computer more secure or in other words "install adware in your computer". I don't update my Flash anymore, it's not like it's badly needed anyway.
That's what I do, sadly I work in IT services and a lot of our users don't read the small things and they just press next next next and the result is that they bring their computers to me to fix these situations, uninstall undesired software.