Fitbits And Knockoffs

Discussion in Sports & Fitness started by Ke Gordon • Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Ke Gordon

    Ke GordonWell-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I think having a fitbit would be fun...and it would encourage you to walk more and to in a sense compete against yourself....anything that can get you more active is likely to be good...but the fitbits are kind of expensive. What do you think about the cheaper fitbit knockoffs? Are they worth purchasing? A simple pedometer might do the same.
  2. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    @Ke Gordon@Ke Gordon I don't know what kind of phone you have, but if you have a smart phone or small tablet, there are pedometer apps. I used to have one on my iPod Touch, but I sold that, and my tablet is too large to carry with me. I think it was the fitbit charge i was looking at, although I don't have the money for it. Before you buy one, make sure you take into account everything you want it to do. The one I was looking at was different than many, because it not only counted the steps you take, but also the stairs you climb. Since I'm always going up and down the stairs, that's something I'm particularly interested in. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a knock off, as long as it had good reviews and met all of my criteria. If you look on the Don't Pay Full blog, they actually have an article about the devices, and you might find that helpful.