I was making a sandwich the other day, and as I was doing it I found a hair. If it were my hair I would just remove it and continue making my sandwich because I'm used to my own hair going into my mouth when the wind blows. But, there was a problem, this was not my hair and nor was it my family's because it was red! Everyone else in my house hold has black hair! What to do? Well, I threw out the lettuce that it came in , I don't know if there is anything wrong with that hair strand, could it contain a disease? I don't know, but better safe than sorry right? Now, what if you found hair in your food at a restaurant or just a normal fast food joint? I would complain for sure, that's just gross. Would you make a scene? Maybe demand free food or something along those lines - Yes, I would! What would you do?
I don't think there is much sense in making a big scene over it in a restaurant. Just explain to the server you found a hair in your food, and 99% of the time they will be willing to replace the item for you. It's a common mishap, no matter how clean the restaurant is. The server can't take items off the checks or comp the checks for you, or give you some free appetizer card(s) - only the management can do that. Often times the server will send management over to your table to "smooth things over" so to speak, and that's when they will likely offer to comp something off your check and/or give you some free whatever cards. Honestly, what really drives me nuts about many restaurants is that they make the kitchen wear hats and gloves and such, and be all sanitary (which is fine!), but then they turn around and let the servers and the management walk around with their hair all poofed out, and not secured at all, and these are the people delivering the food to your table, and where the hair in the food usually comes from. Many times when I was a line cook, and the servers would bring food back saying there was a hair in it, I literally had to argue with them that it was not my hair - I sport a buzz cut, there is literally not a hair on my body as long as what they were showing me was in the food. If anything the hair came from them or one of the other servers - yet they would keep yelling at the kitchen about it.
I've found a hair in my food before. More than once, for some reason. I believe hair hates me. Anywho, I do the same thing each time: First I alert the waiter/waitress. I'm not doing this because I want to make a scene but because I know now that I've found it there's no way I can continue eating my food without being grossed out. Secondly I explain how I'm feeling & make sure not to blame the waiter/waitress regardless of what colour hair they have & whether it matched or not. Usually the waiter/waitress asks me if I would like another plate or whether they should just refund it to our ticket.
I have found hair in my meal at a restaurant before and demanded that it is exchanged immediately. It's just so offputting and you certainly don't expect to find a hair in food which you have paid good money for.
I don't mind if it's a home meal and has the hair of me or my bf; in a restaurant, I'd just say it to the waiter/waitress without making a big fuss, I think. Except if they were rude, I'd be more like, "Excuse me? You're kidding me." Basically, not a big deal, unless the waiter makes it a big deal by being rude.
I definitely wouldn't eat the food because hair can contain sweat and oils, and maybe dandruff. I would just calmly let the server know and ask them to swap my food for a hair-free meal. Even with hats and hairnets, stray hairs happen so I wouldn't get angry about it.
I agree, it is indeed a common mistake and we're only human! I wouldn't yell at them or anything, but I may ask for a small discount (I'm on a student budget and waiting longer for food is bothersome). Its actually never happened to me before, but I've seen it happen to others while I was at a restaurant. Once I was at a vegan restaurant, the servers and the management were very sweet, and then one customer found a hair in their food. This customer yelled some really nasty things at them and walked out. The workers did not deserve that treatment at all. You make a good point though, the servers should definitely also had some sort of hair net. Ah, you make a very good point about the oils on the hair. Our head is pretty dirty!
Definitely would not consume the food. I would return the food with the hair, and calmly ask for a replacement. Remember, hair contains a lot of sweat, oils, and bacteria from the person who had the hair strand. I don't want to risk getting sick by eating a food with a person's hair in it.
Things happen.. they aren't my servants, I don't now own them with a few bucks for a meal. I would be completely turned off from eating at all at that point, but I still wouldn't "demand" another meal or cause a stink in any way. Nobody is perfect and they have a tough enough job as it is, I'm not going to add to their stresses. It's just food, they didn't do it on purpose and I'm sure they're not dropping hair in every single meal. Life is too short to focus on the negative.
I have definitely found hair in my food in the past. Very seldom has this happened, but it has happened. If I could be bothered I'd probably complain. But I just can't be arsed a lot of the time, and then there's the fact that I am never sure whether or not the hair is actually mine or someone else's. Next time I'm taking it to a lab to get it DNA tested, and then I'm filing a lawsuit against whichever establishment has wronged me lol.
I have found hair in my food before and I would just let the place that I got the food from know that I did and then I will show it to them. Most of the time what they will do is that they will be kind enough to give me a new plate of food. I do not think that this is something that you should go and try to make a big ordeal about.
I have found hair in my food before. If it's a homecooked meal, I am okay with it because it's my mom who cooks all the time. However, if I bought the food from a store or a restaurant, I return it. I can't just pretend that it's okay. I will return the food and ask for a replacement or ask for a refund. It's my right, and it's illegal for them to refuse a replacement at least here in my country.
What would my reaction be if I found hair in my food? First thing, I'd lose my appetite. I'd of course desire to speak to someone and tell them about my displeasure but no, I wouldn't make a scene. These actions tend to boomerang. You may not excuse others mistakes but since you aren't perfect when you make a mistake whatever it is, karma will see to it that you get back exactly what you gave out.
I have never encountered this thing before. But if it ever happened to me, I would just not eat the food though I would feel a little bad about it because it is a waste of money.
I've never found a hair in my meal when eating out. If I did, I don't think I would say anything because, well, I'm really shy. I know that it's stupid and that I would have the right to complain, but it would be easier for me to just let it go. I wouldn't continue eating my meal. When it comes to finding your own hair or a family member's hair, I don't care. My hair often falls out, so from time to time I find it in my food and just remove it.
Ow, that is a very unpleasant dining experience. Fortunately for me, I haven't encountered that outside or even at home. Hygiene and sanitation is first and foremost in our kitchen and loose hair has no place in a clean kitchen, that includes flies and cockroaches.
I have a bug bear when it comes to my food, and it's finding hair in my food. I actually feel sick and just can't continue eating, my appetite just goes. It doesn't matter whose it is, even if it's mine. If I were in a restaurant I'd stop eating immediately and file a complaint with management. Because I wouldn't be able to continue eating, I wouldn't demand it be swapped. Chances are I would not return for a while too, if ever. I really hate hair in my food.
I can't say I have EVER made a big scene about anything in a restaurant. That's just not my style. If there's a hair or something clearly wrong with my food, though, I have no problem mentioning it to my server. They would normally replace the food and offer a discount or for it to be free. I'm fine with that.
It really isn't a big deal to me if I found a hair strand on a meal prepared at home. But of course, if that happened in a restaurant or somewhere else where I have no idea who prepared the food, I would ask the waiter for a replacement. I think the management wouldn't reject the request for a replacement since it's their restaurant's name at stake.
There are very little things I cannot stand, but this is one of them. If I find just one tiny hair in my food I cant eat any of it. I think I have a borderline phobia of this, I just think it is vile! Yuck!