I am having virus issue in my computer, at least I think it's a virus because my USB mouse was freezing all the time and with the regular entry mouse I don't have such issues. Either cases, I was recommended to run ESET anti-virus, anyone with experience with it?
You think you have a virus because your USB mouse doesn't work properly? That could just as easily be a mouse that's broken or a USB port that doesn't function properly. Who recommended ESET anti-virus? It'll get the job done if a virus is the problem, but I highly doubt that's the case if your only symptom is a freezing USB mouse.
ESET is what Harvard uses and is very secure as it will block everything. It sounds like the mouse is the issue as they aren't built to last long and I hate them to be honest, so it may not be a virus issue. Sounds more like a connection one to me.
It could be a virus. A mouse hi-jacker. I've heard of it from time to time. Sometimes the virus also hijacks keyboards. Nonetheless you can always find out if it's your mouse that has issues. Ask your neighbor for a mouse, test it and if it works well then you'll know the problem is your house. If the problem persists or even if it doesn't I don't see if there's anything wrong with installing anti-virus software.
You might want to also check out a program called Malwarebytes. Believe it or not most virus softwares don't take care of Maleware, and this can also cause function issues with our PC's. Yes, there is a free trial with Malwarebytes but after that there will be a monthly fee. However, the nice thing is from what I have heard they don't ask for your payment information before you buy, so its entirely up to you if you want to continue and pay a monthly fee.
Eset is a good antivirus. This is what i'm currently using. I like it, it does scour my entire system for malicious threats and removes them. I usually do a full system scan at least once or twice a month to make sure my computer is running smoothly at all times.
I never heard of eset. I use malware bytes and avast, and I use the free version of both. These are the programs that I think work for me. I think the combination of the two of them are good. I have used Avira anti virus but the virus program tends to take forever to run and I just don't have time to run it forever.
I also think that it's just a connection issue, because if you really had been infected by a virus then it would do a whole lot more than make your mouse connection malfunction.
I don't believe you should just determine that it's a virus just off the bat without having the hardware checked out. However, whether it's a virus problem or not wise to have a reputable anti-virus software installed on your computer. From what I have gathered ESET seems to be a renowned anti-virus programme. I recommend that you should do your check of its capabilities because sometimes there may be problems that some anti-virus programs may not address.