You've probably noticed that there are tons of energy drink brands out there. I'm not looking to get into a debate over whether they're health or not. This one's for people that drink them and maybe even like them. Which brands are your favorites? Big brands include: - Red Bull - Rockstar - Monster - Lost - Tab (marketed toward women) - countless others Personally, I prefer Red Bull and non-original Monster varieties.
I don't like soda, so I don't really like drinking energy drinks much unless it's something I feel I need that day. With that out of the way, I like Redbull the most. I also like how Red Bull doesn't market towards kids. The lemonade flavor of Rockstar isn't bad either.
Energy drinks are the 'It' beverage for the past several years. I understand why because they do kick you into high gear after consumption. However, I try to avoid them because I don't believe they are very healthy. With that said, the energy drink I enjoy is Kickstart. It's marketed as a morning drink, but if you check out the ingredients, it's most definitely an energy drink. By the way, I used to like AMP, but the side-effects for me made me steer away from this brand.
I don't care for energy drinks at all. I remember when Red Bull was very popular, especially vodka-Red Bull and I tried it and didn't care for the taste. I don't like any of them but if I had to choose one it would be Red Bull. I found the other ones, like Monster, very sweet and think they all have after tastes that are not very pleasant.
It's probably hard to believe, but I have never had an energy drink in my life. I once had a sip of Red Bull and thought it tasted like cough medicine. And that was that. I have never had a desire to taste another energy drink. I am not exactly attracted to their artificial colours or smells.
Vodka/Red Bull is so incredibly bad for you. It's a similar (albeit weaker) reaction your body would get with a mixture of alcohol and cocaine. Mixing an upper and a downer is always a no-no. If you're going to drink alcohol, by all means. If you're going to drink energy drinks, by all means. Just don't combine the two. I can be dangerous and QUITE confusing to your body.