This is a site I think everyone who even thinks of shopping online should join. Just about every online store you can think of (okay, not Amazon or eBay) is a member and rebates average around 3%. I mean, its money you're going to spend anyways and it costs nothing to join. I read in another post how you have to have a minimum to cash out, or it has to go through Paypal. What I really like about ebates is they just send you a check, however small, every 3 months. I just shop when I need to, think nothing of it, until I get a check in the mail. Oh, an extra $12 I hadn't thought about. That's nice. Plus, of course, you get a bonus for signing up friends and family. Here is a link.Log In It's free money, so why not
I am a member here and it's PERFECT! My biggest problem is remembering touse it before I click 'order.'
This is an interesting website, thanks for sharing. I'll definitely look into it and see if I should use it!
Hi guys, how does this work exactly? You just sign in and add it when you make a purchase? Why does it give you back cash? Is it affiliated with other shopping sites? It sounds great, can everyone do it?
It is very simple and FREE. You sign up as a member. Then, every time you want to purchase something online, go first to and sign in. Enter a store site from ebates and continue shopping like normal. There is no difference from any other online shopping, once you have signed in. The cash back accumulates over a few months, and then they will send you a check in the mail that you can simply deposit into your bank account. You might be able to deposit into paypal, I don't know. Like a previous poster said, the hardest part is remember to log in to ebates BEFORE going to the store site you want. That's it. If you still want to sign up, please use the link I posted a few posts back. Thanks
Don't get me wrong, for 3% back I am pretty reticent in letting this website track down what I buy. How do I know it won't read my credit card information or something?
I agree with sergiu23, for 3% back I wouldn't risk my personal information. However, this site seems to be interesting. In which stores are you able to buy through ebates?
The site doesn't track your credit card. You go to the site and click on their link to the outside website. I've used ebates and sites like it for years and have never had a problem with people tracking my credit card info. YOu can scoff at 3% back but I just booked a vacation on expedia through ebates, it was 5% back at the time and got a nice $45 back on a vacation I would have booked anyways
I can vouch for Ebates, too. They are perfectly legitimate and they will give you cash back on your purchases as long as you go through their links to make your purchases. I have not made much there because my problem is I forget to use it when I go shopping online! I need to always remember to check there before I make a purchase in case the store I'm going to use is supported.
I too LOVE ebates. My only issue with them is sometimes I find myself thinking of buying things that I don't necessarily NEED because I want a bigger check from ebates (which is not their fault!). It's great getting money back for the things that I buy online and I've never had a problem with them.
It seems to be a very reliable site, maybe I will give it a try! Saving $45 I think it's a lot of money! Thank you for the information and thanks for sharing your experiences.
I've been a member there for a really long time, but I ALWAYS forget about them. I'll open the emails occasionally, but it never fails that when I go to make a purchase, I forget to click through them first. I'm not sure I've ever successfully gotten the 3% after all this time even, simply because I forget.
How long have you been a member there? Try to remember clicking through them first, maybe if you bookmark them it will be easier for you.
Now, if only one of these sites would team up with amazon, I'd go broke with all my online shopping! You can find anything on amazon but they don't partner with any of the rewards sites.
Yes, that's right. Amazon doesn't partner with other sites. I think it's one of the best stores, but it's really a shame that they don't ship to my country.
This will probably seem pretty random.... but I'm actually the co-founder of and have "Ebates" as a Google Alert term just to keep a pulse on things. This thread popped up for me today, I thought you all might want to try out one of our new products that is a toolbar that will automatically remind you to use Ebates if you visit a store that we support. I can honestly say that even as a co-founder and current Board of Directors member of Ebates, I too forgot to use us sometimes. This toolbar solved it for me. You'll see the link on our main page:Log In Thanks for using Ebates! Regards, Paul Wasserman
Thank you Paul for sharing this information with us, I think this toolbar will be really useful for the people who use Ebates. Moreover, it's very impressive and exciting to have the co-founder of this site with us. It's a great honour
Does the website offers payout via Paypal? That's the only way it would be profitable for someone from Romania, like me.
That's really good. I think most of the people use Paypal nowadays. Is the payment instant? Is there a minimum amount of money you need to withdraw it?