Anyone have any suggestions on a low cost eating plan that will help me lose weight. I know I don't eat right, and I am trying to do better. I understand I should eat veggies, but I really need to know what foods to avoid besides carbs. I am doing away with sugar, and replacing it with honey. Is this a good supplement for sugar, or just as bad?
Natural sugars are the way to go. Honey is not a bad idea. Have you tried looking on websites such as tumblr and pinterest? There are plenty of blogs out there that have sample eating plans that can help you out with meal-prepping. Other foods to avoid are fatty foods/fried foods. You can go far with chicken, veggies, brown rice, wheat pasta, and herbs/spices/garlic. Spaghetti squash is a great alternative to pasta. sweet potatoes are also great to eat with meat instead of regular potatoes. It also helps to purchase a ton of tupperware by which you can place the food you cook at the beginning of the week.
If you want to lose weight fast then I always suggest a cabbage soup diet. Basically, you eat cabbage and very little of everything else. You eat enough to satisfy you hunger, get enough nutrients for sustenance and you lose weight fast. You can look around the net for more instructions if you'd be interested in it trying it.