Will you be celebrating Easter? I'm not religious but I celebrate Easter with the family. We usually have a roast lamb dinner and we take the kids on a Easter egg treasure hunt. I'm keeping my eye out for Easter egg deals at the supermarkets. Last year Tesco offered buy 1 get 2 free!
We're not religious either, but we'll be in Spain for Easter and they take it very seriously. They have wonderful processions forLog In - Holy Week - so we're hoping to get to at least one of those over the holiday. There's also a great Mediaeval Market about 30 miles from here, which is held at the end of Holy Week, so we'll definitely go to that. We don't eat or drink anything special though - we just join in with the Spanish and enjoy the party!
I'm not too religious as well, and there are not children in our home. Needless to say Easter isn't too big a deal in my household. We do have a traditional Easter meal of Ham for the holiday, but as far as doing anything else, we tend not to get into the holiday that much. Not like we use to when we were younger.
In my country there is a deep-rooted custom in connection with the celebration of Easter. The different migration flows from Argentina who populated nineteenth century were the main actors in the process. In particular, the spanish and italian community left a mark very personal in these festivities. That is why in every argentinian house there is a special meal regarding that day, like the privileged position that occupy the chocolate egg and different allusive sweets. This is a week that I really enjoy and I try to meet the custom in my own way.
I will be doing a little egg hunt at home before work but that's it i work a 10 hour shift that day so it's just gonna be a small thing at home with my kids.
Hey, are you kidding me? You're from Argentina? Me too! Never thought I'd find anyone from my country here too! It's true most people here see Easter as a very religious holiday, since they're Catholic. No one in my family is really religious though, so during "Semana Santa" we just usually travel somewhere. There's one thing my mom won't let us do: eating meat on that week's Sunday (the day where they say Jesus resuscitated and all that). That's a very old Catholic tradition. People usually buy chicken or fish to eat during that day.
No, we have never really celebrated Easter. The most that we did was go to Mass when it came. But nowadays, we don't even go to church anymore, so there will really be no celebration at all, lol.
I will be attending services on Easter Sunday, but I don't eat a special meal. I don't celebrate with my family. My family is Catholic, but I'm not. It's a bit funny because I will go to services, but they don't.
My parents are religious and we use to celebrate Easter every year. I hope to be at church celebrating Christmas, however, if I do not I know I will get my Easter Day Pretzel and Reese's Eggs. I love my Easter White Chocolate Pretzels.What's your favorite Easter Candy?
Tesco have a buy 2 get 2 free offer for a variety of Cadbury and Nestle Easter eggs. I think I'll hold out for the buy 1 get 2 free offer. Asda are selling Cadbury Easter eggs for £1, another reasonable offer.
I identify as Christian but my family doesn't really do anything special for Easter. We know the religious significance of Easter but we don't really have a special dinner or go to church services. I'll probably just get my teenager some candy.
Easter is a very important feast of religious significance for our family.. Actually the holy week is packed with services that we practically live in church all week. I don't bother with any games or food. We do have the habit of visiting our friends, we also share our evening meal with the less privileged.
My siblings and I are all in our late 30's - mid 40's so we just all get together to eat at my parents. I love lamb, but almost everyone in my family doesn't care for it, so we usually just get a ham.
I celebrate Easter with my family and not just because it's a religious practice. I really love hanging out and bonding with them plus the good that awaits that my mom and grandma always prepare for this occasion. It's like Christmas on Spring really.
I used to celebrate easter with my family, and it was a big deal because I grew up religious. I'm not so religious anymore, and I didn't do anything special last year, and probably won't this year either. I'm considering the idea of meeting up with my family to go to church and have dinner and everything for old time's sake, but I probably won't.
I'm yet to find that mega deal for Easter eggs. The deals are the same, they are selling the small eggs for £1 and they are offering 3 for £10 on the bigger 300g eggs. Tesco were selling the 300g eggs for £2 but that offer only lasted a few days, that was a good deal.
My boys are teenagers now but we still celebrate easter. I fill baskets with candy and juice drinks for them. And we still do the easter egg hunt. I fill most of the hollow eggs with dimes and nickels and a few have quarters or dollar bills. Then I will hide little debbie treats around the house as well for them to find. The always have fun, and I have fun watching them. This year, they decided they wanted tuna casserole for our dinner and strawberry shortcake for desert. That is completely fine with me because ham is so expensive. We are christian, but we do not go to church as far as the religious aspect of this holiday.
Oh yes! ham dinner!! My kids will get baskets and find eggs. grandmas are comign for dinner. Will go to church, and celebrate with family. I love easter!
I don't personally celebrate Easter, but I also spend it with my family regardless. We had a really nice salmon dinner on Sunday and lobster ravoli and Friday. Both were items purchased at Costco. My mom bought some mini-eggs as well. But that is about the extent of our Easter celebration.