If you're not yet familiar with Ebates, they are a company that offers to pay you back a percentage of the amount you spend online. You just have to sign up with them and shop with stores the way you normally would - no need for codes, or filling out forms. Their toolbar saves you the few steps of having to go through their site to shop. With this toolbar, you can just surf any store, and if there is any cash back offer available, it will indicate it and you just have to press "click to activate". Even without the toolbar, Ebates is worth looking into, especially if you do a lot of shopping online. The toolbar is only available for Firefox and Internet Explorer for now. Hopefully, it will be available on Chrome soon. Log In
Do you have any proof of payment from this website? A lot of these websites don't actually payout, or they require you to gain a ridiculous amount of money before allowing you to cash out your earnings.
This sounds Similar to TopCashBack. What are your experiences with this site? How is the toolbar? I am very very wary of downloading any type of toolbar as they usually slow down my browsing / have tracking cookies / general nasties I do not want. I also Assume you should include a referral, and non referral link in your post to give people the choice of what they want to do.
I tend to stray away from the whole "toolbar" thing. Generally they are buggy and won't pay out if they are promising that. Plus the fact that I have yet to find ANY toolbar on the internet that is both useful AND free of ad-ware.
This clever browser plug-in shows you how much you stand to save at any given store — and lets you activate your savings with a single click. The Cash Back Toolbar saves you the steps of having to visit the Ebates site before you start shopping and searching for the store you want. Instead, just head to any given store, and if there's a cash-back option, you'll see it below the toolbar along with a "click to activate" option.