Does anyone use Dunkin Donuts points system? Apparently, for every 200 points you get one free Medium coffee. You also get one on the anniversary of your birthday every year. I am a fan of Dunkin Donuts coffee and of points systems however, I also use Starbucks points and I don't think it helps when you divide up your brands for points because it ends up taking longer to get your free stuff. What points system do you use?
Is 1 point equal to 1 dollar? I have used Starbucks rewards before but since I don't go regularly I forgot about it :/ I also use Sephora's reward program. They give you samples when you go in. It's nice to get something to try out for free.
It's nice to get something to try out for free with the points award system. However, I do not buy much coffee from the Starbucks. Therefore, I do not participate in any of their points system. I do not like being tied with their incentive programmes and force myself to buy coffee from them. It is not a practical advantage to me. There are better alternatives elsewhere.
I like Dunkin Donuts, but I prefer Starbucks' rewards system and points. It's been fleshed out in the years since it came out, thanks to a more than capable smartphone app. Getting a free drink at Gold status after every 12 transactions is pretty nice, and you can buy $1.50 tall coffees for all it matters. Your 13th drink or snack will always be free, if you choose to use your reward then. Dunkin Donuts does have some good food and drinks, though.