When the weather is humid, I consume lots of water per day, only during the colder months do I take less water. I actually don't do anything to remind me that I have to drink water, because I only drink when I need water, since I haven't experienced being dehydrated yet.
I take a water bottle with me wherever I go. It doesn't have to be a large bottle either. Sometimes I will use an empty Frappuccino bottle and fill it to the brim whenever I come across a water fountain, and just sip it all day. If you spend a lot of time at the office or at home, try having a pot or a pitcher of iced tea next to you. I don't put sugar in it, only a wedge of lemon or orange if I feel like it. Sometimes we don't think about drinking water because it's not there; out of sight, out of mind, right? I drink a lot more when I have a large quantity of it close by.
Fill a pitcher with tap water, it has added benefits that bottled water doesn't such as mineral deposits. Refrigerate it. Water generally 'tastes' better when it is cooler. If you drink very litte water, then don't buy sodas, koolaids, tea, coffee, etc. If you don't have it around, you will drink the water when you are thirsty because you won't have anything else. Make a point to always drink a full glass when you wake up and before and after each meal. Also, if you take any dietary supplements, drink a full glass. After you make a point to follow these tips for a month, it will become second nature.