Does anyone else here play Draw Something? Do you feel it's worth it to splurge for the ad free version? I feel like the ads last much longer than on the other games I play but I hate to spend on something I could get for free. On an unrelated note, tf anyone wants to start a new game, my username is tulosai
My daughter has been hounding me about this, but I haven't gotten around to taking a look. I also didn't realize that there was a free version. I will have to check this out tonight. Thanks for the heads up.
I don't play much anymore, but personally I don't think the ad-free version is worth it. Of course, ads are totally annoying and they do last a while on the free version, but I don't find I would be interested in purchasing the ad-free version for this kind of game.
Honestly, if you love playing the game, you should get the ad free version. I believe it also has other words on it to make the game more interesting. It has gotten a little more pricey since Zynga bought it. Personally, I think the game is very difficult to play a lot. It's fun at first but really becomes the same old same old after a while.
I used to play it all the time, but now I don't play much anymore. I didn't really notice the ads in the free version, so it wouldn't make sense for me to upgrade. If you play the game a lot then upgrade, but me personally I'm over it.