Dorito Taco & Haystacks

Discussion in Food & Drink started by Ainjell • May 18, 2012.

  1. Ainjell


    May 15, 2012
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    Since the introduction of Dorito taco, I've been d y i n g to try it. I've loved Taco Bell food for a long time, now. Surprisingly, Taco Bell food doesn't give me diarrhea like it does for most people. I digest it very well, actually. Probably because my father is from Belize, C.A. (that's Central America, not California) and I've eaten beans and meat my entire life LoL. I also enjoy Doritos (Cool Ranch to be precise - perhaps that can be the NEXT version of a taco *yum*). I thought that was a very creative combination from Taco Bell. Has anyone had it yet?? Is it better than the original taco? I mean, is it painfully obvious that you are eating a Dorito taco vs a standard taco? I'm so curious about it. I don't own a vehicle so I haven't been able to get to Taco Bell to try it out but I really would like to know what other people's thoughts are on it.

    Also, what do you think would be a great idea for another type of taco or meal from Taco Bell?? I was thinking they could sell haystacks. For those who don't know, a haystack is a dish for the "poor man" (not to be taken literally). It's just very cheap to make. All you need is your favorite chips (Doritos, Lays, Fritos, or Tostitos), beans or chili, lettuce, cheese, salsa, sour cream and anything else (like Ranch dressing) to top it off. Everyone makes theirs differently but this is how I make mine.

    I place my Cool Ranch Doritos on the plate. Then, I take some vegetarian beans that I've warmed in a pot (or some chili depending on how I'm feeling) and place that on top of the chips. I then sprinkle some cheese on the chilli/beans while it's hot so that it has a chance to melt. After that, I put some lettuce on it. Then I put chopped tomatoes, salsa, sour cream and I top it off with some Ranch dressing. When you're done, you have a large pile of food that looks like a haystack (hence, the name). Like I said, everyone makes their differently but I think it'd be a pretty good idea if Taco Bell started selling those. It'd be another winning meal, in my book.
  2. dissn_it

    dissn_itActive Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    We tried the Doritos tacos about a week ago, they are pretty dang good. :cool: You just have the flavor of a Dorito in the shell but it does taste better than a regualr taco. We thought that Taco Bell will probably make other Dorito taco flavors if the nacho sells well. The cool ranch would be a good one. We also make haystacks they way you do but with Fritos and chili, cheese, onions and sour cream. We will have to give your way a try sometime, it sounds really good!
  3. SEA81

    SEA81Active Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    I love the Doritos tacos. As a matter of fact, when I make tacos at my house I'll sometimes just scoop the meat up with Doritos instead of using flour or corn shells.

    As for other flavors, I'm a traditionalist, myself. I love the flour/corn. I'd love to see them introduce a healthier, low-carb shell made of wheat, coconut or almond flour.
  4. nherie


    May 11, 2012
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    I want to try the Dorito taco too! It looks so yummy and I love Doritos and tacos. I read somewhere that the taco shell doesn't have a strong dorito taste, just a slight one. I wish Taco Bell had more side dishes. I wish you could buy chips and guacamole, Mexican spiced vegetables and things like that. Kind of like how Wendy's has introduced the sweet potato, mac and cheese, and chili cheese fries.
  5. AnonaMoss

    AnonaMossActive Member

    May 16, 2012
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    I made my own Doritos taco salad and it was like food for the gods. The first batch I used the Cool ranch with various toppings and then on the second batch I used the nacho cheese. I don't think I would try the one from Taco bell because I like to add additional things to my taco salad.

    ACSAPAWell-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    I haven't had a chance to try the Doritos shell Taco Bell taco but I've been wanting to try it. I hope they still have them because it's been a while since they came out.

    The haystack recipe sounds fantastic and I like those flavors but never actually combined them in that way. I'll have to give haystacks a try. I'm actually craving Mexican food right now. This thread made me hungry. :p