People always think the dollar store has sub standard stationery items, but I found Dollar Tree to have a great selection with a pack of genuine Sharpies for a dollar, composition books which are exactly the same as in the other stores (the black and white ones), and ring binders. One of the best deals I found while shopping for the office were the packs of sticky notes in various colors and sizes which saved us so much compared to Staples. Stock does vary and sell out, so I tend to stock up when I see a good find.
I agree! The Dollar Tree has great stationary and back-to-school items. The pens are mostly subpar, but every so often I can find a great brand name pen. Its a great place to buy composition books, highlighters, construction paper, motivational stickers, crayons and markers. It's been awhile since I bought some post-it notes, but they do have a great selection. Since it's back-to-season Staples and Office Depot are offering great deals that match Dollar Tree's everyday prices.
I have shopped at Dollar Tree for paper products before and was satisfied. However, with regard to the pens, if they are not in a package, then I ask the cashier if I can please have a scarp of paper to test them out on. If the pen doesn't run in smoothly on the paper then I do not purchase it. But usually, there are more that work than not, so you still go home with a handful of pens but without the worry that some of them might be dried out. I have never had a cashier refuse me.