My miniature Pomeranian has suddenly found a new hobby, she has stopped playing with her toys and seems determined to pull out the pads of her paw. Her paws are constantly wet and dripping. We cannot distract her from it. No game is able to keep her away. Has anyone seen something like this? Her Vet is out of town and is not taking calls. I would be happy to get some responses quickly.
I found a website (link below) with some really good information that may be able to help you identify what is causing her to do this. It could be anything from allergies, stress, fungus, or mites. I would consider getting something like doggie boots if it gets to where she is injuring herself. I would also try to get her to the vet as soon as you can. Good luck! Log In
Thanks for that Link. This makes me even more worried. I hope I can figure out what is troubling her. Her vet is back in a couple of days. I only hope she holds up until then. I am crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.
As dissn_it said, it could be food allergies, other allergies (i.e an allergy to grass), mites, fungus or fleas. My dogs have chewed their paws when they have gotten fleas. They also seem to like to groom their paws, my yorkie used to keep her front nails and the hair on her front paws trimmed. She doesn't seem to do that anymore though. Many spitz breeds (poms are a spitz breed) clean themselves like cats. I'm not sure about poms but I've heard of Shiba Inus and American Eskimos doing this.
I wish your dog well, kindly keep us updated with her condition. You could also try looking for another vet to attend to your dog, since it would be better if you can get her checked sooner before something worse happens right?
Thank you everyone. I really appreciate the responses and your concern. It was just a matter of flea infestation. Now, she has been cleared of them, I have to however use a different shampoo and give her a bath fortnightly for a couple of months. She has stopped gnawing on her paw. The vet trimmed the fur between her toes and taught me to do it properly so I can keep a tab on her. I am so glad it is nothing like what I saw in that link. That was terrible stuff. My special thanks to dissn-it.
My did something similar to that once time. He had something like a splinter in his paw. We didn't know it at the time, but somehow we figured it out. My guess is that it might be the ssame with your dog (my dog does go outside a lot though).
We've been dealing with a flea problem for about a month. I bathe our Shih Tzu in Dawn, which is supposed to kill them. It does, but they seem to be coming back. They aren't in our yard and she got them from our grandmother's house last month. This is the first time in ten years we've ever had to deal with this. We are bombing the house this weekend when she gets groomed and hopefully that will be the end of it.
You are very welcome. I am glad that it was nothing too serious and that she is doing much better now.
Pilot2fly, I know how this feels. I have been reading up stuff about fleas. It is said that some fleas have a life span of two years but some live for a few months. The larvae can remain inactive on their beds, upholstery, furniture, rugs, carpets etc., for extended periods of time and can become active the moment the conditions are favorable. It is important to treat not only your pet but almost your entire house it seems. Grrr.. The female adult lays about forty eggs a day. They become more productive towards the end of their life cycle. The adult flea begins laying eggs within 36 - 48 hours of their first meal, they drink the blood of their hosts. It may be wise to use preventives from time to time. I think mine got this infestation from one of her walks. She is eight years old and has never had fleas before. Better safe than sorry is the principle I will adopt from now on. Thanks again Dissn_it. Take care
It is a big problem indeed. Just an invitation to health problems. I regularly treat my upholstery and other furniture with good products in order to keep them in good shape and fit for usage
My dog has been doing this lately too, his paws are pink from doing this and it makes me wonder if he has allergies or a rash. I put some aloe Vera on them to ease any irritation and that seemed help a bit actually.