Does Your Cat Suddenly Scratch Or Bite You? I noticed that when I'm petting my cat, he has a limit as to how much and how long he can be petted. If it gets too much then he will either just scratch or bite your hand /arm. Sometimes he gives "warning meows" at first. Then that's your cue to leave him alone. He also hates it when I'm speaking loudly or shouting, and is inclined to attack me when I get too noisy, or just by simply speaking on the phone. I read that cat's ears are quite sensitive, so they hate loud noises. But out of all the cats that I've owned, he is the only one that can be quite aggressive and he actually harms people. The other cats have never harmed me at all. Does your cat exhibit this weird kind of behavior?
Is this sudden? He hasn't always behaved like this? Maybe he's uncomfortable.. arthritis? Maybe you're petting a sensitive spot (unless he's a young cat?). Maybe he needs a visit to the vet. Is he fixed? That will certainly bring out the aggression if he isn't. It doesn't always happen, but I had a cat that was quite aggressive until they were fixed. Or, maybe he's just kind of a jerk lol. Those exist too
My cat does this from time to time she just gets hyper and goes into attack mode lol but she only does it to me when i'm alone. The other day I was sitting on my couch on the phone when my cat I saw her hiding behind the wall all I could see was half her face I seen her eye was big she was looking at me shaking next thing I know she jumped on my face and head than just laid down like nothing lol it was pretty funny.
@ JosieP, He was actually like that when he was younger, and now that he's an old cat already, he's still like that. I think he's just the type of "jerk" cat that you are talking about. He really hurts you when you've irritated him, it's like he's saying, "This is what you get for bothering me!" @ vpresson, does she do that while you're talking on the phone too? My cat attacks me as well when I'm speaking on the phone.
LOL jerk it is. My favourite of my kitties adopted ME in a sense and to everyone else, sounds just like your cat. Glad I'm not on his hit list Just like people, cats have personalities and sometimes, they're even better than some people lol.. they do have a mind of their own, that's for sure.
I see, maybe we got the "fierce" type of cats? They seem to get mad too when we talk on the phone! I undestand that they hate loud noises, but how come even in a moderately loud voice they still attack? And it's not a "playful" attack, they look angry! I guess we just have to put up with it then.
No idea. Like I said, the last cat I had that was like that wasn't fixed at the time. He was still a grumpy cat afterwards, but he stopped attacking at every loud sound we'd make etc. So could that be your issue? Has he been neutered? Otherwise, the attacking doesn't make sense to me.. I'm at a loss. The only thing that comes to mind is illness, but you say he's always been like this. Hmmm.. this is going to bug me until you find out; make sure you update us
He has been with us since he was 8 months old, now he's 9 years old already, and he's still like that. He is our only cat and he's still a virgin, plus he's an indoor cat, so I don't think neutering him is necessary since he's not really a generally aggressive cat. Maybe he is simply a "violent" cat when irritated, lol.
I'd bet money neutering would have fixed the issue lol. I'm a BIG advocate for spaying and neutering, but also know there is no telling people they should when they have indoor pets and don't want to pay the high prices (they really should make it more affordable.. although there are places that do it for an exceptionally low price, just to be sure more pets get it done). All of my (indoor) pets are spayed or neutered, just in case and it's always taken care of any behavioural issues they've had, but I do understand you're not up to that. Maybe he'll calm down in his old age
What does neutering do to a cat besides lessened aggression? And are all of your aggressive cats male? Or there are female cats too? I have never really considered neutering since it's an added and unnecessary expense in general, but how much does it cost?
I encourage you to get your cat neutered especially since he is an indoor cat. He will get irritable and have "pent up" hostilities. Getting him neutered will help solve aggression and marking his territory. All male cats mark their territory when not neutered. If you go to a clinic, it might only cost somewhere between $25-$50. Some vets have monthly specials for neutering your animals too. Don't you have a vet? Cats need yearly vaccinations too.
We do have a vet, but we only have the dogs take their yearly shots, (depending on the budget) and the cat will only be taken to the vet when he is sick. And neutering is quite affordable, now I know, although I'm afraid to "alter" my cat now that I think about it. He might change for the worst?!