I met a woman from Germany once who had traveled the world and she said she had no desire to travel again. My husband and I travel often, but often wonder if we should settle down more. We are so used to moving I fear it will drive us crazy but maybe in light of that attitude we would rather enjoy it. If we settle I doubt we will be able to afford to travel much anymore. What do you think? Can we get travel burn out? Or can we satisfy that craving so that what we have enjoyed will be enough to keep us going for years to come?
I think it is definitely possible to get tired of travelling, if you've seen everything that you've ever wanted to see and have explored the world, or event if you haven't, it is easy to reach a point where you just want to stop moving and soak it all in. I think if you are constantly travelling and moving, you might not really take the time to take it in properly. If you do enjoy going to new and different places though, you could choose to settle in a place which can serve as your basecamp almost, allowing you to explore the area on weekend expeditions or such.
Zenfive is right I think you can enjoy travelling for a long time and enjoy to drive from one place to another and when you feel getting tired of it and camping will help to enjoy your stay in any area which you will like to stay..
Humans aren't meant to stand still.. I see nothing wrong with moving a lot. Travel, if able, is something everyone should do, as often as possible. We live our lives to pay the bills... SO unnatural. So any time we can get a break from that, we most definitely should. One life.. get the most out of it while you can
Not everyone is the same, maybe she wasn't suited to travelling as much as you? I travel around the UK a lot and I actually get grouchy and restless if I don't get out of London at least once a month. But then I LOVE exploring new places.
I don't think that anything is too much, unless it is proving to be harmful to you, your life, or other people surrounding you. If you can travel a lot, and it is not detrimental to anything or anyone, then why would there be such a thing as traveling to much? If you have the means to travel as much as you want, then I do not see a problem, to be honest.
It is possible to travel frequently, say every 2 to 3 days or weekly. Models, actors, singers and businessmen do so all the time and they seem to be fine even though in the eyes of the public their travels may appear excessive. Although I love traveling, I wouldn't abuse my body that much. Imagine always jetting in and out of countries. That can be pretty draining. You need to stop and breathe properly once in a while. Too much traveling can take a toll on your body no matter how healthy you think you are.
I figure I'll just reply here instead of individually replying and filling up the thread. Wow! these are some great posts! Thanks guys! It has really given me much to think about. Everyone has such varied ideas, its given me some balance to our decision.
That's a good point you are bringing up. I have traveled all over the world and lived on 4 different continents. I didn't always choose to travel, often it just "happened" that I needed to move on. For example, when I met my partner 4 years ago, I stayed with him in Latin America for half a year before returning to Australia. A few months later we met again in Europe to work together for a year, before returning back to his home country. Now our work is going to take us to Asia in September. I don't exactly suffer from burn-out. But I do feel a bit lost if I don't have a permanent base. Right now my base is my apartment in Southern Ecuador.
If what you do for a living involves an excess amount of travel, it would be conceivable that you might burn out of being on the road so much. Pleasure travel is a whole other thing entirely. As long as you have an interest in something, and the money to do it... how much is too much?
I personally feel that you could never travel too much. Some people have never traveled. Others travel all the time. To each his own, but I feel that to properly enjoy life and not get burned out by everything that surrounds you, you need to get out. You need to explore and reinvent yourself which are traits that come with traveling.
As part of a job, I'd hate it. My brother is always travelling all over the world, and he doesn't get to really enjoy it because it's all boring conferences and work LOL But if it were for leisure, it might be different. I love travelling, but I'd want to have about 3 holidays per year to my dream destinations. The rest of the time, I'd want to have a permanent home base. I couldn't always be on the road, whether it's by road, flying or by ship.
I always believed that you can never travel too much. Unless of course you don't have a budget for it, then you probably have to think about it. But if it's just me and it's free, my friends won't see me at all.
There is a difference between traveling for fun or for work. If you choose to travel I don't think you can ever tire of traveling as long as you are in comfortable places. Traveling for work can be tiring if they are not places you want to visit. I think it also depends on the personality of the person. I like traveling, but some people don't like to live out of a case or they like their home comforts or have family that they miss. As I am single I don't have people I miss except friends, but they like to travel too!
Well, the average person is going to get tired of traveling at some point. It's not always fun when you're on your 1,000th flight or something like that. Even with all of the money in the world, traveling can become more of a hassle than an enjoyable experience. We all have different tolerance levels for how much traveling we can take in a lifetime.
you are right H.C. Heartland! it is being easy to take a right decision after reading the ideas of different people and I think that is the main purpose of this community to make things easy and clear to the members of this board. It is a nice platform to share ideas with other. I would like to say keep sharing guys and enjoy yourself.
I am not so sure about that, personally I would never get tired of traveling and I don't think it is possible to see everything during our lifetime. Maybe when we get older things change and we settle down for a quiet life back home.
I also believe you could possibly become tired of traveling, but that's a rare case. Not everyone in this vast world can afford visiting absolutely every earthly place, and some people even wish they got out of their country or territory at least once in a lifetime! It is possible, but it's a very rare case, to conclude an answer to your question.