Over the years, I've gone through my fair share of electronics. Normally, the reason I stop using them is because they're dated. The new stuff that's out isn't compatible. Afterwards, my biggest worry is what to do with them. Should I donate or sell? Usually because these electronics aren't worth much anymore, I donate. What do you do with your old electronics. Sell? Donate? Trash?
It depends on the condition my device is in at the point when I decide to give up on it, which usually by the time it's already way too outdated to bring in a substantial enough amount of money even if I do decide to sell it. Usually, I just keep it, since there is a lot of data in it that I can't be bothered to transfer or clean up, especially if I'm not even going to be getting any money out of it by donating.
Most of the time I'm selling them. I don't keep most electronic devices too long to be able to sell them for a reasonable price, so I still get some money out of it. I won't get the money back I spent on it, but I atleast get something back. It also depends on what it is actually. If it's a phone I'll at least keep one spare phone in case my normal phone breaks, but if it's something like a console, I'll sell it.
There was a time I thought selling was a good idea until I tried to do it. The price quoted be the dealer was so ridiculous that I never did bother to sell any old electronics in my house. I'd rather donate rather than be next to nothing for something which I know is still useful [because it's still working]. Unless you have someone who can sell you the stuff on ebay (and you send it to the buyer) [sort of drop shipping] selling old electronics is not worth the hassle.
I sell old electronics rather than donate or trash them. I can always get at least a few bucks for older items, and newer electronics are still worth some decent money. I can't afford to spend tons of money on electronics, so I try to get the most out of my old items whenever possible. I sold my last iPhone for a couple hundred bucks and then got a new phone for around the same price. I have plenty of experience selling electronics, though.
Have you guys tried Craigslist for this stuff? I have inherited a ton of electronics I don't need, some dated, some pretty new, and I've got some collectible video game stuff. So I am kind of at a loss as to what to do but I have a lot of luck buying and selling in general on Craigslist so I thought I'd try that first.
I keep my electronics for so long that by the time I am ready to upgrade, they are in no condition to be sold for any worthwhile sum of money. The market for water damaged, missing keys, cracked screen electronics isn't too large, so it looks like I'll be throwing out electronics for a while (but at least o get good value out of them).
^^^^^^^same. Usually it is broken and can't be repaired or so obsolete that it isn't worth anything. I junk it and buy a newer model of whatever it is.
It depends on the electronic but most of the time I sell them or if it's really not valuable anymore I give it away to someone I know will use it. I don't know of any organization that would use them so that's why I don't donate. Last time we moved we gave away an old pc to a friend who's learning how to repair them. I don't like to trash electronics because of the environment but unfortunate we don't have a place to recycle them. Some stores recycle phones and small electronics but those are usually still worth something so I would sell those. It's usually the big ones that are harder to dispose. Right now I have a damaged lcd that I don't know what to do with, it's too expensive to repair but I feel bad throwing it in the trash.
No. I use things until they are no longer of use. By this time, the new thing on the market is about to be history. The great thing is that it is new to me, when it comes time to replace but my things are no longer of value to they get trashed or taken to the recycling bin.