Normally, I purchase soda by the case because of the deals offered at Safeway. They run a 2 for 1 sale every couple of months. The least I have paid is $10 for 3 cases. This event alone taught me the merit of buying in bulk. Do you purchase soda by the case?
I'm not an avid soda fan, so I haven't bought soda by the case yet, but who knows, if I stumble upon soda cases that are on sale then I might buy one. I would buy Pepsi or Mug Root Beer sodas.
Yeah, I always buy sodas in bulk for the main reason TC mentioned. It's always cheaper to buy them in cases. Usually sodas can last a couple of years before they expire so having a lot of them at once isn't an issue.
No, I have finally been able to kick the soda habit. When I did drink soda, I never did buy it by the case. I purchased sodas one by one.
I have to purchase soda by the case cause i have a big family, buying them single is like a waste of money. I try to buy them when they go on sale. I stack up on them when they do.
I prefer 500ml bottles over can's so It is slightly more expensive. But when I do buy them I try to buy them in cases of 12. Unfortunately their are harder to find than the 24 cases of cans.
We buy a case of Coke at Costco. I prefer my soda in cans over bottles (I have no idea why), and we have only 1 can each a week on Saturday night (with nachos) so a case will last quite a while in our house.
No, not on a regular basis. We don't drink a lot of soda at home anymore so we don't keep any in stock. Once in a while we'll pick up a bottle or two and that's it. The only time we buy the cases is when we're having a party or something. When it's just me, I'll purchase a can or a little bottle when I really want one.
Yes, it is much cheaper to do it this way. My family does drink a lot of soda, it seems that my daughters friends come over to my house to eat and hang out all the time. So we have to buy in bulk, and I sometimes buy the 20 pack to when it is on sale.
I used to for years, but over the past year almost entirely stopped drinking sodas at all. I switched over to brewing my own iced tea instead. It's much much cheaper, and you don't have to lug these heavy cases of pop in and out of your place all day long. I was drinking an awful lot of pop, and was probably spending close to $100 per month on it alone, which is part of the reason why I quit. I was also having some health issues (seizures) so I was trying to lay off the Aspartame as well. I tried the SodaStream, but was not impressed with it at all personally. The syrups, even the non diet ones, all have Splenda in them. They don't taste like the real things, and the carbonation levels it is able to achieve never seem to be as much as store bought soda. They would say only two presses of the button would carbonate the bottle, but I had to do it several more times, to get anything even close. Not to mention the bottles themselves are tiny - only enough for like two or three drinks.
I drink well more than i should. We probably go through a 36 pack in about a week and a half. And when i say "we" I mean "me". Im the only one that drinks them. I get diet sodas because im a diabetic. Ive only recently been reading up on the affects of aspartame. I would replace it, but i need a cheap alternative. But, in answer to the question, Yes i do buy in cases. Big cases. Many times a couple at a time.