I was wondering how many of you make your own homemade cleaners? I recently discovered this and I am amazed at the savings & fun I get from making my own. Another added joy is that they are not harmful as well!
Yes, actually I use a solution of half vinegar and water. This all-purpose solutions gets almost every surface clean, but you can't use it on stone.
I use vinegar and water. I also make my own laundry detergent with borax, washing soda and ivory soap.
I usually use vinegar and baking soda for everything. I dislike harsh chemicals. I will use them if I find an extremely good deal on them but I prefer natural methods for cleaning.
Vinegar and baking soda is what I use.. especially for my kitchen counters and kitchen floors. They are clean and look new. They are eco friendly too. Wall tiles in my bathroom get a treatment of vinegar and lime and baking soda once a week, keeps them shinning and fresh smelling.
I don't, although I have tried. I could be brain washed already, but it just doesn't seem to do the same level as cleaning for me. I know the chemicals and what not aren't good, but I really like to clean things deeply.
I have used both vinegar and baking soda as a cleaner. Both can do a pretty decent job and don't have harsh chemicals which have harsh scents. I have to be careful with what I use as a cleaner because I live with individuals who can't handle strong chemical scents, so I have to look for cleaning alternatives.
This! I use vinegar constantly...diluted or not. I also mix it with baking soda for really bad stains or smelly issues. The baking soda and vinegar will bubble up and almost 'scrub' at surfaces, so I love it.
I use a combination of store bought and also homemade. I use baking soda to clean out my refrigerator, and baking soda and vinegar to clean my drains. Vinegar to clean my windows (with newspaper, believe it or not).
Just yesterday I put some citrus peels in vinegar to soak to use for that purpose! I have used vinegar to clean mirrors and glass before, but I am just really starting to use DIY stuff around the house more. I made a garlic-pepper solution with a few drops of liquid soap to use on my plants and so far it seems to have worked.
Everybody should be using the natural cleaners in my opinion. Too many chemicals are being spread around the planet, which can't be a good thing ever. I use the vinegar and baking soda, but one thing I can't seem to do without is the bleach. I know that there are alternatives but I keep buying it.
I use vinegar and water too. It cleans just about anything even carpet stains. Sometimes I use straight vinegar. It works great. I just keep the windows open to help the smell dissipates.
I don't I just buy them a the store , i've tried it once and that didn't quite work out. I do just mix the fabuloso in a bottle with water in then put in to containers. But that's about it, I prefer to buy it though.
I use baking soda and vinegar to do most of my cleaning in my house. I do a drain clean every second week. Sprinkle baking soda down a dry drain, let it sit for 10 minutes, pour vinegar down and wait till it stops bubbling, then pour down boiled water. Drains are fresh and clean after that!
Nope, not me. Sometimes though, if I'm mopping something really dirty? I'll mix Ajax with Mop and Glow and Arm and Hammer cleaner. Gets the job done in half the time. Dirt and stains cannot stand up to that tandem!
I often use vinegar & water to clean the floors. I find the smell is really not too bad, especially the more water you use. I think it is just as effective as store bought cleaners. The smell goes away once its dry anyways.
Never tried. Worried about such homemade cleaners does not work well. So i just shop them from stores.
I use the vinegar to clean the bathroom and kitchen, I used baking soda and vinegar to clean my oven. I will also put baking soda in the garbage disposal to keep it clean.
I haven't tried making my own soap yet and we just buy from the stores. But I think that homemade soaps may not clean as well compared to the commercial made ones. But I could be wrong, since I haven't tried making my own homemade soap yet.