Do you like to make some homemade gifts? I love to make scarfs & also scarf necklaces for loved ones. I also sell themLog In So if you make gifts, what do you make? Tell us about them! Do you feel it saves money to make homemade gifts? I feel it saves me money and is a gift from my heart that took a lot of time to make.
I just love to make homemade gifts. Sometimes I make pies and cakes and when I want to get into crafts, I will make some latch hook rugs, jewelry pieces such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets to match. Those are all fun things to do for your friends and relatives.
I love saving money that's why I'm a fan of DIY projects and DIY gifts. I visit the sites that I see on Pinterest and I'm really satisfied with the projects that I could possibly make in the future.
No I'm a guy. I have no idea how to sew or knit scarves, quilts, blankets, etc. If I am banging my head against the wall to try and figure out a gift for someone, I usually just end up getting them a gift card or giving them cold, hard, cash.
For me making scarfs are cheaper for me to make. I guess it depends on what type you make. What about you, what kind of scarf are you making?
I'm too lazy to make gifts, but I do like receiving them. My mother in law is always making beautiful crocheted tablecloths, pies and cookies and they are truly appreciated. This past week though I've been practicing making hemp jewelry, but again that laziness factor is already creeping in. One day I will make a beautiful bracelet and I will give it to my sister.
I used to love making homemade gifts. It was a lot cheaper and a lot more personalized. I don't really seem to have the time to the last couple years, though. And people don't really seem to appreciate them as much either.
I always prefer to give out home made gifts instead of purchased ones whenever I can. It's a lot more personal and it really embodies what gift giving means, which is to let the other person know that you care enough to put some thought into it. However, sometimes I just lack the time or creativity and in cases like this I just buy stuff and wrap it.
I like to bake, so often I will give baked goods like brownies or cookies. This year I will be giving a snack I saw on Pinterest "Christmas Crack" it sounds so good, I plan to get the items needed this weekend to sample it before I give some as gifts. Another item I plan to give this Christmas are hand decorated coasters, this also came from Pinterest. I love that site.
I would actually love to do this but find I lack the skill to create gifts worth giving someone else.
I know how to cross stitch, but I certainly won't consider giving anyone a cross stitch item that I made as a gift, since in the first place I'm too lazy to do it, and it's quite time consuming and boring. I'd rather give someone an item that I bought rather than made.
I like to make homemade gifts. I also give a basket full of stockpile goods for family members and friends. First time I did it, I felt silly giving my sister laundry detergent and toilet paper for Christmas. She loved it though and asks for it every year.
I don't like making homemade gifts but I LOVE to receive them, my two nieces are at that age where they love making pictures for me that go on my fridge. I've also got as couple of candles that have been made by a friend last year who made them instead of buying presents as she was skint.
Next time, try slapping a GAP, Abercrombie, or Prada label or emblem onto your created gift. I guarantee you'll get a good reaction then.
Hey, what an idea, that's more than a great idea, I am loving it. Now tell me where do you get those labels and I will sure slap them on and go about my day. That is the greatest thing that you could have ever thought of, now let's do it. Tell me where to get those different labels. Email me ok! I even want to make some gift baskets to give also.
I give quite a lot of gifts to people that I have made myself. I make things often so sometimes I choose from what I have on hand and sometimes I make something specific for a specific person. Most people like getting a gift that you have made yourself.