I haven't encountered someone yet who hates alcoholic or bitter beverages. I tried to drink wine and beer, but I couldn't take any more than a little sip of those stuff. I really did not like how they taste. So I'm wondering if there are people in here that also hate the taste of alcohol? Or you're the type who loves to drink?
I can honestly say that I do not like the taste of alcoholic beverages. I find the taste very strong and overpowering. That said, I do not mind cocktails as they are sweetened with juice and fruit etc...it is a much more pleasant experience. However, I cannot stand the taste of beer, wine and spirits.
I'm not overly enamored with the taste of alcohol. Beer has a bitter taste I don't like and you need to buy quality wine for it to taste good. I don't like spirits but I do like the taste of quality cider made from pure apples. I don't drink it very often, though.
I hate alcoholic drinks too.. The occasional glass of wine I drink is more because I do not want to hurt my host or my guests.. but I do not enjoy it and would gladly sip water.. Beer and other alcoholic beverages do not even enter my list of drinks.
I am also someone who doesn't like this particular taste. I just think it is too much. I am very glad at the same time that I hate this taste because it is also very bad for our health. I guess having a cup or so once Ina awhile isn't bad but overall I can't stand it and I would rather have some juice.
I hate the taste of beer and wine it makes me sick even the smell makes me sick I can't stand it I like fruity drinks like Smirnoff cause it taste like a lemonade and if I didn't know any better i'd think it was a type of fruit juice cause you can't taste the alcohol at all that's the only thing I can handle and that many of those but beer not even a sip can I handle
I don't drink because I really don't like the taste of alcoholic drinks in general. The only one I can take though is tequila, but then it comes with salt and lemon. Other than that, I really can't take it. Add to the fact that my skin turns so red when after only a few sip of any alcoholic drink. So, no I don't like it at all.
I don't like the taste of straight alcohol, but I like mixed drinks where the alcohol taste is mitigated by juice or soda. I like the White Russian because it kind of tastes like a milkshake. Amaretto Sours taste like candy. You have to be careful of the delicious, fruity mixed drinks because they can still get you drunk and you might drink more than usual because they taste good.
I don't like drinking beer or wine, I don't like the taste of either, but I do like strawberry daiquiris only because they are sweet and taste really good. The first time I drank them it was so sweet I drank it really fast, and when I stood up I almost lost my balance, but now I know not to drink it fast or have more then two.
There are some alcoholic drinks that taste good because they taste kind of sweet or they don't burn your throat, unlike wine. I like those. Beer, no thanks.
I used to strongly dislike beer and only drink wine or the occasional mixed drink. In the last few years though, I have not only found beers I could tolerate and wouldn't give me a stomach ache, but that actually taste good. I've discovered I like lager, ambers and hefferveisen. I'm not big on other alcohols and I generally don't like rum, but I've discovered if you get a good quality spirit the taste and texture are much better.
There are people who actually hate the taste of alcohol but drink it because it gets them drunk. Personally I like the taste and since I hit 30 (I'm 34 now) I have discovered the wonderful world of real ales and bitters.
ChanellG and Deansaliba, thank you - I thought I was going to be the first one in here to say I do like the taste of alcohol. I love a nice cava - Spanish sparkling wine - and a good rose wine. I'm also partial to vodka with lemonade or fresh orange juice, Bacardi and Coke, Asbach brandy on its own, or any other brandy with soda water, and I love a nice smooth single malt whisky. Not all in the same glass, though, I hasten to add!
It depends on the drink! I am fond of certain types of wine and a particular cold beer on a hot summer day. I have all but given up on hard alcohol but do enjoy a good mixed drink once in awhile. I really like Kahlua so I finally tried a Mudslide awhile back...oh my gosh was that ever delicious. It is more like a dessert than a drink!
I have to say I do like the taste of some beers. Samuel Addams has some really nice tasting beers. Like the summerfest beer or the boston lager. I cannot stomach any types of hard liquoir. And wine and champagne gives me a headache and it has a funny after taste. But the smell of some wines is almost like flowers or fruit. So in some cases I do like the smell of it anyway. But in most instances if there is a party and people are drinking, I will have one non-alcoholic beer. The taste of these drinks is not bad. And I prefer to have the non-alcoholic both for health reasons. And because to many bad decisions seem to happen at partys with alcohol. But when I go to stores that sell alcohol, I do notice some of these bottles. I'm I the only one that thinks some of these alcohol bottles have really cool designs. Some are even like a 3-d effect. I will not drink them cause they taste gross, but they look pretty.
I HATE beer, wine and alcohol. I really do. I don't like the taste. I have found some mixed drinks I like, but they taste like fruit and not alcohol.
I absolutely hate it. When I was 15, I drank too much whiskey at the birthday party of a friend of mine, and my head was tearing itself apart for the next two days. The most terrible feeling I have ever felt. Haven't tasted a drop of alcohol since then and will keep it this way until my wedding, at least.
I don't like the taste of straight alcohol, its disgusting and strong. But if you add some juice and soda to it just right it will taste better. I still not a big fan, I will just drink to just enjoy myself with friends.
For me, it depends. I like wine, but only when it's sweet or fruity. I hate most beers becasue they're bitter. Most harder drinks I can only drink if they're either flavored or mixed. I like tequila sunrise because it's mixed with grenadine, which makes it sweet. I could never do tequila shots though.