I think we all know those people that think they know everything that there is to know. My sisters boyfriend irritates me more than any other person has ever. I tend to get along with everyone that I meet, just not this guy. He will act like he knows more than everyone, regardless of the subject in matter. He knows more, done more, and better at it than anyone. When I have to be in the same room with him, I grit my teeth so hard. lol This guy even tries to tell us all his Dad invented caller id... really? LOL My sister believes everything he says!
Yes, it is annoying. It is actually a couple I know who are like this. Even when they are wrong, and if they know you are right or you dare voice your opinion about a subject, they're start throwing out the most ignorant what-if's and comments that really make you want to slap them. You can't of course that is assault, but good Lord. They drive me up the wall sometimes. We try to stay away from serious subjects. They have this "we went to college so we know everything and are superior than you ignorant no collage peasants." I'm not kidding. Ugh!
I can't say I know her very well but there is one woman in a Facebook group that I am a part of who has an answer for EVERYTHING. The sad part is that she doesn't know the information she spouts off. She Googles it and then tries to pass it off as her own knowledge. I think that is so pathetic. Just admit that you don't know but you Googled to be helpful and this is what you found. I know that Google is how she gets her answers because I have done searches of my own and found word-for-word what she was spouting off. It is so frustrating and I am to the point where I just ignore her.
I can't really say if I have encountered one, because I mostly encounter arrogant people who love to brag about anything that is worth something in their life. But my brother, after I helped him with some problem on the pc of his ex gf by just texting him the info while he was in his ex's house, made it appear that what I told him did not work, and the program was not installed. But later on, he told me that the the program in question runs every time the pc of his then gf was started and was wondering why it happens and how to stop it. So clearly he lied and made it appear that I was not able to help him. So that's sort of a know it all too by not giving credit where it is due, and it's not that I'm asking for it, but his ignorance about pc's at that time blew his cover.
Yes I know a few people that think they are a know it all. Since I don't like to talk a lot I just let them talk away and when they talk it never factual what they are saying. What I don't understand is most of them that I know and they think of them selves of the know it all, really don't know anything. Why when I am on the outside looking in something about them is never right. When something don't go right in their life, don't you want to say, "I think you knew about that". Why these same people that know it all, can't get it to gather?
Yes, I know a male know it all who met a female know it all and now they're getting married...talk about a difficult couple to hang out with. I like to keep things low key and think we all know some things and not others and that's not a big deal. These two are convinced they know everything, the worst part is they are almost always wrong. I swear it's like they heard one word about something and then just decide to assume what the rest of the statement or article says and then they will go on and on about something as if they are an authority. If they really did know everything then fine but they just make this stuff up and it makes me crazy. This sounds so immature but what annoys me even more is how they have surrounded themselves with a group of close friends who hang on their every word and it makes me angry that these people could be so dumb to fall for all of these know it all lies!
Totally understand and on the same boat as you on this. It seems like during each stage of my life, there's one person like this. At school was my classmate that likes to spew crap all the time like he knows everything. Now at work and it's one of my colleagues. He's just like us but he acts like a doctor and go around telling everybody what to do like they are facts. When other people prove him wrong he goes all ballistic and cursing at other people claiming they know nothing. It's very hard to stand this kind of people but I try to ignore them as much as I can.
Oh yes, I can really sympathise with you. I used to share a flat with a guy who didn't just know everything, no, he actually knew everything better than me. So, whatever I said was never taken as a fact, but as something that needed to be "improved on" and "put in the right perspective". We finally managed to deal with his need to share his "immense knowledge" in a humorous way. Amongst many other interesting "solutions", I told him to write a daily summary of all the things that I needed to improve in regards to my inept ways of thinking, and that I would carefully analyse everything at the end of the week. This cracked him up. He could see how his behaviour was irritating others and started to be more aware of other people's feelings. These days he has become almost bearable.
Yes I have known a few know it alls and they are very annoying to me. However... I will say I have a sneaking suspicion once in a while people think that I myself am a know it all. However with me, I will only speak when I am certain I DO know what I'm talking about, and I know a lot of stupid random things, so I think that's where people may think I'm a know it all. But if I don't know anything about a topic I won't speak about it, or if I'm not sure, I'll preface my opinion with that. I think that gets some people even more livid because what I end up saying is right anyways! Just one of the perks of being an introvert
As an artist I know a whole lot of people who's just like that but in a very bad way. Sometimes being a 'Know it all' is a good thing especially when you actually know it all but for the most part it's just annoying to have them around. I especially hate those guys that tend to tell you what to do even though they have zero idea of what you're doing, usually they're the 'old guys' in a workplace who are 'more experienced', so they automatically assume that you're inferior to them.
I absolutely have a "know-it all" in my life and that's my 12 year old daughter. This kid is outrageous! Oh, and she is super nosey. I can't say anything to her without her rudely interrupting me and letting me know how it really is. I guess she thinks she's the first person born on this earth and knows how to do it all. All I can do is laugh at her because she is so clueless. Her life plans are to turn 16, work at Shipley's Donuts and move out. lol Really little girl? You're lifes' plan is to work at Shipley's? lol I tried having the "going to college" talk with her but she's not hearing it. What am I going to do with her?
I don't know if I know of a know it all so much as someone who can't admit they screw it up. It's a similar concept though. They are always right and you are always wrong. That was how my father was and my ex. It was never their fault.
My ex thinks he knows everything about everything. That's just one of the many reasons that he's my ex.
Know it all people always irritates me. I've meet several of their kind and my experience with them wasn't that pleasing. I have this roommate before who has this attitude. She interrupts a conversation just to let everyone know that she knows what we were talking about. She was so annoying that everyone tries to avoid her. You can't win an argument with her because she thinks she is always right. Annoying and irritating people are not just my type and so I try to avoid them like a plague.